Category Archives: Dating

Advice on where to meet people, online dating, matchmaking and everything in between.

The Female Douchebag

A girl takes a selfie for Instagram
Girls, today we are going to address an epidemic that is sweeping the nation and making a lot of women look really bad. Hopefully this article will help certain individuals recognize their embarrassing and non-feminine behavior and stop ASAP. The female douchebag, or ‘Homo Femalis Bitchius’ is a term coined by generation Y and has been around for quite some time now but really entered our collective memory via Instagram, the social media format based solely on uploading pictures to share your life rather than thoughts or ideas (like Facebook), and it has really created a monster… a douchebag monster. Read more

Can You Have “Hot” Monogamy?

Couple engages in "hot" monogamy
Lately, the topic of swinging has come up a lot in my office. For those who might be out of the loop, swinging is when singles or partners in a committed relationship engage in sexual activities with others as a recreational or social activity. Married couples will often choose to swing in the hopes of keeping their marriage exciting, alive, and full of passion. Swinging is becoming vastly more popular, especially in the suburbs, and I find that my clients broach this topic with me on a pretty consistent basis. They usually want to know if it’s possible to have a monogamous long-term relationship full of spark and interest, or if trying something like swinging is necessary as a way to keep things exciting with their partner. Read more

Why You Shouldn’t Be So Quick To Judge Your Date

A couple decides about their dates
In my experience, daters are quick to judge, and even quicker to move on. After one brief glance at a profile photo, singles think they can be 100% certain whether the person in question is the one. Read more

Why You Shouldn’t Ask Him Out

Woman contemplates asking him out
As a young teen, I used to love reading my tween magazines to get my fill of celebrity gossip, beauty tips and love advice. Having yet to experience a real relationship, I relied heavily on these magazines to give me the inside scoop on how to win over my crush (I feel like most of the advice in these magazines was directly related to the act of getting your crush to notice you, flirt with you and inevitably fall in love with you). The problem, however, was that all of the advice was more or less the same: Ask your crush out. Read more

No, you’re not shallow for thinking that physical attraction is just as important as emotional attraction

Expert therapist and author Dr. Stephen J. Betchen, D.S.W in his book titled, Magnetic Partners: What pulled you together maybe pulling you apart (2013) poses a question in a chapter of his book titled, the role of physical attraction in your relationship, asking if a partner who’s never been physically attracted to his/her mate grow this attraction with time? Read more

Singles Have No Idea What Makes A Good Match: Here’s Proof

Confused woman can't find a match
A funny thing happened at work this week. One of our female members and a male client got engaged! Of course, this in itself isn’t the funny part. Engagements happen all the time around our Matchmaking office. The funny thing is that when Beth, my Director of Matchmaking, and I thought more about the history of this particular couple, we remembered that it took our female member a whole month to agree to go on a date with our male client. Read more