Category Archives: Numerology

February breaks down to the Number 2, and 2 is the Vibration that asks us to really look at what's going on at an emotional level. Don't be surprised if you have been a little more sensitive than usual, and with that in mind, if you feel more defensive. If you believe people are being critical towards you, stop and ask yourself, "Am I taking what they are saying to me the wrong way?" Take some time to think before you react to what is being said to you.
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Dear Glynis,
I have purchased your books, Glynis Has Your Number and Love by the Numbers. I have learned a lot from both of them. I'm just wondering: Is 2012 generally a bad year for relationships? My girlfriend recently broke up with me but doesn't want to lose me from her life. However, she doesn't know if she wants me as a friend or to resume being boyfriend and girlfriend. I've noticed a lot of people are having relationship problems early in this year. Is there any light you could shed on this?
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Hi Glynis,
I recently got married to a wonderful man named Shane (03/03/1982). He is such a blessing in my life. He's great with my three children and is helping me raise them as if they were his own. My first marriage was at times awful. I'm sure our numbers were not good together. His name is Andy (01/18/1966), and I am Stacy (11/06/1971). Can you please give me some insight on this?
Thanks, Stacy
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September is the 9 Month in Numerology. The 9 Vibration encourages us to complete projects and also take an inventory of what is happening in our lives. A good place to start is to look at your home. Are there things you are hanging on to that you no longer need? Perhaps you have clothes in your closet that you never wear or exercise equipment in your living room that you never use? This would be an ideal month to give the things you don't use to your favorite charity. It will give you more space and make you feel good knowing that you are donating to help others.
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Hi Glynis,
My daughter keeps going back and forth about whether or not to marry this guy. They are engaged, a date has been set and invitations have gone out. She doesn't call it off exactly - she has sent me a few texts out of nowhere late at night saying, "I don't think I can do this." Lots of feelings rise up in me when she does this: anger, frustration and depression. I have ignored these and it seems to pass. I am hoping it's just last minute jitters.
Her name is Erica and his is Tom. Her birth date is December 15, 1983 and his is October 17, 1984. Do you see this working out?
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There are six numbers that make up the numerology blueprint of who you are. Three numbers come from your name and the other three come from your full date of birth. So, do you have a relationship question?
This reader did.
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