Monthly Archives: February 2020

There are so many articles on the internet teaching women, “how to give an amazing blowjob” but you know what’s so weird about it?
The articles are all written by women. That seems crazy to me. See, no matter how expert a woman thinks she is at giving blowjobs, she’s not as great as she believes.
It’s because men don’t get blowjobs half as much as they should, so when a woman finally gives them one, they’re not bothered how good at it she is. They’re just happy a woman has her mouth around them at all. Anything feels amazing to them. So they tell her, “You’re the best I’ve ever had. Amazing. Sucks like a princess” And the woman goes off feeling like an expert. Read more

It’s that horrible time of the year again. The time when the holiday lull is over, annual budgets have been made and staffing cuts come crashing down on unsuspecting employees. I know a lot of people, specifically the significant others of some of my best ladyfriends, who’ve lost their jobs recently. Read more

You found the dude you’re going to marry... you think. He has everything you’ve ever hoped for in a partner and is basically perfect except for one small thing... he won’t get down on one knee and pop the question. You’ve been waiting and waiting, but there have been no steps forward toward engagement. I get it, girl. I’ve been there myself. This can be totally infuriating and make you question your entire relationship. Before you totally spin out, take a deep breath and keep reading. Here are five things to do if your man just won’t propose. Read more

I talk a lot about how to get to a first date and how to get through one, but I don’t think we’ve covered post date protocol enough on PattiKnows. Specifically, the post first date rejection. I know, crappy subject. But, if you’re a single girl who’s dating, it’s going to happen to you. It happens to the best of us. Even me. Hell, especially me! So, here’s my five-step fail proof method for dealing with post first date rejection.
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Find out why classy is best in public and why you should always leave slutty for the joker123 bedroom.
“I want a lady in the streets but a freak in the sheets” is a common phrase men use to describe their ideal woman, but what is really being described here is a girl who is balanced. A lady in the streets and a freak in the sheets is a woman who carries herself very well, knows how to spaceman slot present herself in public and pull out all the prim and proper etiquette when she needs to, while simultaneously knows how to be a sex bomb in the bedroom. Read more

A chronically single girlfriend of mine told me than she’s breaking up with her new guy (whom we all love!) because he’s too into her. We all told her that she needed to pump the break up brakes and think about it a bit more. Was slot pulsa she really going to end it with a man because he appreciates her?
That’s the only reason? Doesn’t seem a valid rational for a break up to me. She argued that she’s never had someone this into her and it’s uncomfortable. So, she’s just going to walk away. joker123 I told her that she had to think about a few things before dumping this sweet man and if you’re in a situation where your boo seems to be more into you than you are into him, these will be some good things for you to think about, too! Read more