Monthly Archives: April 2020
Is the way to a man’s heart really through his stomach? My answer is, kind of! You see, men are just like women in some ways -- They want to know that we care about them. If you’ve got a good man on your hands, he really just wants to know that he’s important to you. Does that mean if you bake him cookies, he will fall into your arms? No. Does it mean that a little goes a long way? Yes. So, here are 5 super cute and super small ways to show that you care. And for the men: This list totally works both ways. If you bake sweets for a women, she'll know you've got the hots for her.
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This is for all you women out there who so desperately want to find love.
First off, I'm 100% on your side. I truly want you to find love. And a lot of the reasons why you don't find love are not particularly your fault.
I am fully aware that men in today's modern society have become tactical in so many different ways.
Men suffer from a disease called “approach anxiety” and have a complete sense of fear when it comes down to approaching women on all levels. Read more
At first, relationship milestones come fast and furious. First date. First kiss. First sex. First fight. First make up. First make up sex. And on and on. But, after a while, the firsts stop flying by. You two get comfortable and in a groove and are coasting along dating each other. And while that’s joker123 fine and dandy, there are much bigger relationship firsts, ranging from saying “I love you” to getting married, that need to happen to take you guys to the next level. Read more
Wanting a break from your boyfriend isn’t a great feeling. In fact, it’s a totally sucky one. Really sorry you’re going through this. But, fear not, I’m here to help. And, per usual, I have some tough love for you. If your big question is, “How do I tell my boyfriend I need a break?” my big answer is, “You absolutely don’t tell him.” Hear me out. I think you’ll get it if you keep reading.
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![woman interviews a matchmaker on the phone](
So you’ve found a certified matchmaker in your area, but you have no idea what to do next or what to expect when you meet with them? I’m here to help!
Remember that the process of working with a matchmaker puts you in the driver’s seat of your love life alongside a supportive, encouraging, and knowledgeable guide, but you have to make sure you ask the right questions to get the right match.
The initial phone call you made is one of the most proactive steps you can take. A great matchmaker should quickly put you at ease, and ask a few basic questions to evaluate if they are the right person for you to work with. Be prepared to answer questions like-- How did you find out about our service? Have you been married before? What are your relationship goals? Read more
Q: Dear Emily,In many of your Podcasts, I’ve heard you talk about “Jackhammer Sex”, and how men should stop doing it immediately. After hearing it for the third or fourth time, I realized something. My partner is guilty of the Jackhammer, too! I thought it was totally normal to have sex this way, and didn’t really mind it, but now I’m wondering. If not the jackhammer, then what? What are some alternatives to Jackhammer sex?
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