Monthly Archives: February 2014

Do you secretly hate the way you look? Do you look in the mirror and despise the woman looking back at you? Do you believe men don’t find you attractive?
So many women struggle with self-image problems it’s untrue. I hear it all the time, and it really makes me sad. I don’t care whether you’re overweight, whether you’re short, whether you’re breasts hang by your knees, whatever, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! Read more

Oh Los Angeles, sometimes I simply love you and sometimes I just can’t help but loathe you.
When I first set up camp in LA I made every effort to say I wasn’t of those “actors” or “models” hustling their way through the trenches of casting calls, auditions and headshots. I was an independent – free of the great big LA cattle call.
But even as I fought tooth and nail to stay clear of the “Hollywood” lifestyle- my dating life seemed to be mirroring just that.
Every date seemed to be just like a casting call and every suitor seemed like he could be the “ big break” relationship I was longing to score. Read more

Hello, hello, my tweethearts! Can we just take a second and think about how quickly 2014 is flying by? Didn’t New Year’s Eve happen, like, yesterday? My year is just zooming by. I can’t believe that Valentine’s Day is behind us and we’re well on our way to spring! My East Coast tweeties, I’m especially glad that spring is hitting for you guys! What a rough winter it’s been for you! Anyway, another week zooming by means that it’s time for another #AskPatti column. Let’s see what all need to know this week! Read more

It sounds like a funny question doesn’t it? But women email me about this all the time. Women seem confused about how to interpret a cuddle from a man. Is he being friendly? Is he just more sensitive than other guys? Or is it a sign he has strong feelings for you?
Here’s an email I had from a woman recently. She wants to know whether the guy she’s seeing is starting to develop feelings for her, and it’s all because of his recent increase in affection. Here’s her email… Read more

Sometimes, the hardest part about dating isn’t finding a date, but knowing what to do once you are on it. First dates can be especially tricky. Everyone feels nervous and worried about making a good impression.
After hearing thousands of dating stories, some more successful than others, I thought I’d share some top tips to ensure your first date goes smoothly, and that you make the best impression possible. Read more