Monthly Archives: November 2016

(March 20 - April 19):
You’re about to rise to the occasion of yourself. You always knew you had it in you. What you didn’t know before is that it would be easier than you think.TAURUS.
(April 20 - May 20):
An associate’s long shot looks like it has a good chance of panning out, but this person will need some help pulling it off. Offer a timely assist. Read more
[Repost from Millionaire's Club - View Here]
I’m well aware that this is a very champagne problem to have, but when you’re dating a millionaire and you’re not one yourself, holiday gifts can be a tricky thing. What do you get the guy or gal who can and does buy everything they could possibly want? The pressure is especially on when they’re generous gifters themselves. You want them to feel as special as they make you feel, but you can’t exactly cover a weekend jaunt to the Maldives or a Michelin starred meal. Fear not, my little millionaire lovers. I have some wonderful gift ideas for you to gift this holiday season that will make your boo feel the love without breaking the bank or your credit card limit. Read more

(March 20 - April 19):
You’re especially charismatic today, so use half the effort needed to get things done. You don’t want to overpower anyone with your brilliance.TAURUS.
(April 20 - May 20):
The good thing about fighting is when you kiss and make up. Then again, you can always skip the fight and go straight to the fun part. Read more
(March 20 - April 19):
An uppity supervisor gets his comeuppance. It’s tempting to leave him to his fate, but the more heroic part of you will want to salvage the situation.TAURUS.
(April 20 - May 20):
You won’t like being asked to give up a prize, but your sacrifice pays off in the long run. Read more
If you clicked into this, that means that you and your new boo are getting ready to go your first vacation. That’s a huge step in a relationship! Congrats! The fact that both of you want to travel together means that your both feeling this relationship. A trip is a real test for a relationship and you two think your relationship will pass with flying colors! Great! Now, the only thing to do is to plan it…which is kinda a big part. You guys need to talk money, logistics and commitments. So, it can get sticky. Here’s how to do it so you wind up going on the vacation of your dreams with the man of your dreams! Read more