Monthly Archives: January 2015

Lubrication is a totally normal additive to sexual encounters. It not only helps, but can enhance your sex life. But sometimes finding the right lubrication can be tough. That's why Emily More is here with her tips and successions to make your decision easier.
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I’ve learned a lot over the last 16 years as a matchmaker. To be successful in this business you not only have to have a knack for matching singles, but you also have to be an exceptional businessperson.
If you are looking for career success in this new year, here are four steps I have learned are imperative to follow!
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Reader Same Old Story writes,
Okay, to get straight to the point. I am starting over, yet again. New country, new job, new friends. My previous job and life... aargh! It was filled with a bunch of bad experiences, my work situation was awful and I worked really hard not to end in a bad way too- not sure how well it worked out. Now I have a great job, supportive boss- everything is perfect...what is terrifying is that I am starting to notice the "old me" constantly depressed, frustrated, losing my life to the job, it takes me so much time to complete any task, and it's a never ending story there is always more to do...and yes I'm single, very few short term relationships, no hobbies but surfing the web...
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Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, people. And while I love that there’s an official day of the year to celebrate love, I also know this is basically International Couple Fight Day too. All of the expectation and build up can lead to a lot of hurt feelings and knock down, drag out fights. So, instead of waiting for the day to come with dreams of dozens of roses and fancy dinners and lavish gifts and then when it arrives, being disappointed that you got a box of drug store chocolate and a night of Netflix cuddling, why not let him know what would make you happy on Valentine’s Day? Here’s how.
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Let's talk about energy today. Energy is everything. Energy is contagious. Unfortunately, what most of us lack is energy. Do you guys remember the character Schleprock on the Flintstones cartoons? He always had a cloud hanging over his head and he moped everywhere he went. How many Schleprocks do you know? This is how most people walk around - as energetic zeroes. Today I want to share with you, 4 ways to transform your life and the way you FEEL about the energy around you forever. Read more

Happy almost Valentine’s Day! The lead up to February 14th can be very stressful for couples, especially new couples who haven’t celebrated the holiday together before. There’s a lot of expectation that gets built up. And that expectation normally leads to a lot of let down come the big day. I say avoid that trip to Bummer Town and have a conversation with your boo about what would make you happy on Valentine’s Day. It might ruin the surprise of the day, but it will make both of you a lot more relaxed and able to enjoy the day. So, here are a few things I think you should ask for.
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