Been having naughty dreams about a co-worker? Whether they make you blush or vomit, your co-worker dreams joker123 are not only common... understanding the dream is well worth your while because odds are, that dream is actually trying to help you improve yourself !
Monthly Archives: March 2020

A lot of my girlfriends and clients in their late 20s and early 30s have shared the same experience with me. They’ve gotten in deep with a dude, brought up their timelines for having kids and the guy said he doesn’t want kids. By that point, the ladies have wasted months, if not years, of their time dating someone they could never end up with and they feel terrible about it. But, when was the right time to bring having kids up? It only makes sense to ask about kids when you’re serious about the guy, right? Wrong! Don’t waste your time (or his) by waiting to ask about having kids together. You should do it way earlier, no matter if you want kids or don’t. Here are the right times to ask if he wants kids. Read more

Does this story sound familiar to you?
Is there a man you dated briefly years ago? Due to some personal issues, it just didn’t work out.
You remained friends and you kept joker123 in touch. You ended up bumping into each other on a trip. You fooled around a bit.
He wanted more, you wanted spaceman slot more, but you were confused by the whole thing. You were wondering why it took so long to reconnect.
So you ask him:
What is this? Read more

I recently heard one of my friends tell her daughter that if she’s unsure about her boyfriend being the one, it means that he’s definitely not the one. Her logic was when you know, you know! And if you’re unsure, you don’t know…therefore he’s not it. I have to say that I disagree with this logic in a major way. I believe in psychics and people who can see into the future, but I’m sure not one of them. And I bet you aren’t either. So, you being unsure about your relationship doesn’t really predict anything about your future relationship status. But, I do think being unsure can tell you a lot about your current relationship. If you’re unsure about dating your boo, here’s what I think you should know about your relationship. Read more

So how do you come onto a guy?
It’s not as easy as you think. And most women just don’t know how to do it. So let’s talk about the best ways to come onto a guy so he craves, and desires you more than any other woman he meets. Here’s the first thing you need to know…
Men like to chase. And when I say chase, I don’t mean you don’t answer his texts or calls, because that’s the quickest way to turn a man off. Read more

Do you go on a lot of dates but none of them seem to pan out past a few dates or weeks? You may tell yourself that you have high standards and don’t want to settle, or that you just haven’t found the “right one” yet. But maybe there’s something deeper going on that you may or may not be aware of: Read more