Monthly Archives: September 2016

When I watch episodes of my show and even look at the dates my current millionaire clients take their dates on, my mouth starts to water a bit. Dating like a millionaire seems so wonderful. But, it’s not possible for most of us here in the real world. Spending thousands of dollars on one date is just an insane concept when you don’t have a millionaire’s bank account. I came up with a few ways for you to date like you have an unlimited budget even when you have a very limited budget. Read more

(March 20 - April 19):
An intimate is on shaky ground. You’d love to set this person straight, but your take on matters is very different. Offer moral support instead.TAURUS.
(April 20 - May 20):
The truth is no one really knows what they’re dealing with. New territory always brings new rules. Suspend expectations for now. Read more
(March 20 - April 19):
It’s amazing how people can point out fault in others while remaining oblivious to their own, but don’t say anything unless you feel like you’re above reproach.TAURUS.
(April 20 - May 20):
A short cut will only cut you short in the end with the Moon occult Mercury today. Take the long way and you won’t be sorry when you reach your destination. Read more
(March 20 - April 19):
Fears are banished by the glow of accomplishment. Thank that person who kept pushing when you wanted to fold.TAURUS.
(April 20 - May 20):
Why is it that every time you draw the line someone keeps on crossing it? Perhaps you should set boundaries after you know what you’re dealing with. Read more
Online dating is tough thing to master. I’m a professional matchmaker and I’ve made mistakes! So, I can only assume that “normals” who don’t make their living on love are definitely making mistakes when it comes to the swiping game. Even though online dating has become the norm, and essentially mandatory, when it comes to finding a potential partner, that doesn’t mean that it’s natural or easy. To help you all out with this tough part of the dating hunt, I thought I’d highlight three mistakes that I know you’re making on dating apps. Read more