Category Archives: AskPatti

Guys, I haven’t forgotten about my #AskPatti column at all! I've just been answering a lot more of the questions I get on Twitter during live chats instead of saving them all up to do a weekly column. However, I got this question tweeted at me and it deserves more of an answer than 140 characters. Read more

Hello, my favorite people on the internet! How I’ve missed you! I love getting all of your questions on Twitter and waiting to answer them for a whole month takes so much self-control. But, the wait is over! Here are your fantastic #AskPatti questions and my (hopefully) fantastic answers. Read more

Hello! And welcome back to another #AskPatti. Just wanted to let you lovelies know that I’m going to be scaling back on my #AskPatti columns. I’ll still be reading all of your questions and answering the best ones, but it just won’t be every week. So, keep those questions coming and be on the look out for answers on the site. I’m thinking I’ll be doing an #AskPatti about once a month moving forward, but it could be more! Just keep your eyes open! Read more

How do you know if the guy you’re dating now is the one or just a future memory in the making? It’s often tricky because things like good sex and perfectly crinkly eyes when he smiles can make you feel like the relationship is more real than it actually is. Trust me, it happens to even the smartest women. A nice tush can do the same thing! So, here are quick questions you can ask yourself to find out if he’s perfect for you forever or just for now. Read more

Hello again, my tweeties. I hope that you’re all doing super well. East Coasters, are you hanging in there? It sounds like you all can’t catch a weather break. Here in LA, it’s boiling. I’m heading to the pool as soon as I wrap up writing this. It’s perfect sun and fun weather! (Sorry to brag, but I’m actually not sorry. Move out here! Seriously, I don’t understand why everyone doesn’t live in California.) Anyway, let’s dive into these questions so I can dive into the pool! Read more

Hello, hello! How are you all? Based on your fantastic questions, you guys are definitely feeling spring fever. And I’m 100% with you! Something about spring time just gets everyone’s romance juices flowing. It’s a great time to start dating someone new or double down with your partner and be really romantic with each other, like you’re back to those first few months of dating. Here are some of my favorite #AskPatti questions from this week. There were so many, I couldn’t do them all. But, check back soon. I’ll save all of them and answer them at some point! Read more