Monthly Archives: April 2016

How to stay friends while in different life stages

No matter how close you are with your girlfriends, you can't all do everything together. You won’t all get married at the same time. Or have kids at the same time. Or all be successful or all be sick at the same time. Life happens in stages and there’s absolutely no way to synch up your life stage with your favorite people’s life stages. But, if you’re not experiencing the same thing as your friends, how can you relate to them? How can you keep the friendship going? Well, here are some things to keep in mind to stay friends. Read more

Daily horoscopes: April 29, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

You’re arguing a point that others lost interest in long ago. Now would be a good time to move past it.


(April 20 - May 20):

Today’s Last Quarter Moon makes you reluctant to tie up a loose end, but you’ll be glad you did when you see what develops in the days to come. Read more

Daily horoscopes: April 28, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

This is the time for bold moves and big gambles. Remember that when you’re doing this kind of a tightrope act, your focus must be phenomenal.


(April 20 - May 20):

Mercury retrograde in Taurus affects you most of all. Leave time to iron out mix-ups and technical snafus. Also look for opportunities hidden underfoot. Read more

Daily horoscopes: April 27, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

Don’t back down because someone questions your take on matters. The truth often makes people uncomfortable – including the person speaking it.


(April 20 - May 20):

It's hard to choose loss over gain, but continuing as is isn't worth the cost.  This is what makes common sense so invaluable. Read more

Daily horoscopes: April 26, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

Continue to play dumb. If others are arrogant enough to believe that you’re this gullible then they’ve only their own foolhardiness to blame.


(April 20 - May 20):

It’s OK to advise as long as you get people’s consent first. You’re a little too quick to volunteer unsolicited opinions nowadays. Read more

How to deal with dating rejection

One of my very good friends just ended a long marriage. While the end of a marriage is of course sad, this was a long time coming and the best thing for both of them. The divorce is recent, but the love ended a while ago. Emotionally, my friend is very ready to move on from her old relationship. But, she refuses to date because she’s petrified of being rejected. Read more
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