Monthly Archives: April 2015

Probably one of the most common phrases ever muttered between girls in their twenties. This phrase may in fact, kill us. We've become a generation who hides behind the safety of our iPhone screens while frantically screen shooting and asking for advice from girlfriends on what to say back to ONE text. We go into tizzies about what role to play with a guy in question. "Should I be flirty?", "Does he like sarcasm?", "Wait, what did he even mean in that text?"
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(March 20 - April 19):
The best way to deal with non-committal types is to let them go. They’ll come looking for you again after they’ve explored their greener pastures.TAURUS.
(April 20 - May 20):
If you were asked to jump off a bridge, would you? One would think yes the way you take others’ words to heart. Skepticism is healthy. Read more
Who do you blame for where you are in your life right now?
I want you to be honest with yourself. The answer isn't always easy, so take your time and think about it. Who is to blame, for better or worse, for how your life turned out?
Who is the first person that comes to your mind?
Is it your father for not loving you the way you needed?
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(March 20 - April 19):
You’re the one who changed the terms of an agreement. Yes it was in everyone’s best interests, but you still have to allow time for people to make peace with it. Be patient.TAURUS.
(April 20 - May 20):
Don’t hesitate to call in debts and favors. They do you no good collecting dust on the shelf. Every little bit helps right now. Read more
I am forever beating the drum about how our dreams help us to improve every area of our lives, especially the relationship area. Below is a recent example of this. A single mom had been struggling with a relationship for quite some time; she was unsure if she should continue to give it effort or not... and then she had this dream:
Dear Lauri,
I dreamed I was walking and bare foot. Then a clear white spider jumped on me and bit the bottom of my foot. I tried to peel it off of me only to have it jump and bite my hand. I had to peel it off my right pointer finger like Velcro. – Jessica 35, Aurora, CO
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Q: Dear Emily,
Thanks to you, I am now a woman with several sex toys. I have recently fallen in love with my Magic Wand vibrator, and it has totally changed things for me in that I can now not only orgasm, but have multiple orgasms! But now I'm wondering.. Is it bad that I only ever want to use my vibrator to masturbate? The things is, I've heard rumors about vibrators actually desensitizing the clitoris, and now I'm worried that I'm ruining my vagina! Is this true? Whenever I go back to using my hands, it takes SO long to get there and I'm not even sure if I'm climaxing. Has it already started? Am I addicted to my vibrator? Help!
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