Category Archives: Dating

Advice on where to meet people, online dating, matchmaking and everything in between.

Single Parents: How And Why You Should Get Back In The Dating Game

single mom leaves home to go on a date
Let’s face it; dating as a single parent is challenging. Time constraints, worrying about other people's expectations and fear of the unknown can often make the process feel stressful and complicated. Still, the obstacles that we face while dating as single parents shouldn’t deter us from looking for our next big love and even having some fun. Read more

Hundreds of Matchmakers Descend on NYC to Spread The Love!

conference for matchmakers
It’s that time of year again! In just a few weeks love professionals from around the world will descend on New York City for the 2014 Matchmakers and Date Coaches Conference. This time of year is always so exciting and inspirational for me. I started the Matchmaking Institute over 11 years ago, and continue to be  impressed by how far we have come and how wide our network now reaches. Read more

Now that you have him, how do you keep him?

couple chained together
I’m all for being besties with your man, but one must remember to never get too comfortable in any relationship, as that is a slippery slope to taking your partner for granted, and likewise, your partner will also reciprocate that behavior, putting the relationship in a danger zone with a lack of passion and a surplus of boredom. Here are three main tips to keeping your relationship spicy and making sure that spark between you two stays lit and what you guys had from the beginning stays fresh, ultimately keeping you happy and keeping your man forever yours! Read more

Dating Outside of Your Age Range: True Love, or Disaster?

Young woman and older man on a date
Recently, questions about controversial dating topics (age gaps, religious differences, monetary issues, overcoming vanity, etc.) have been popping up in my inbox from PattiKnows readers. So, I thought it was about time that I address some of them. Let’s start with age gaps. Keep in mind while you read my responses to these top 5 questions that every dating situation is different, and that these answers are general in nature. Read more

6 Amazing First Date Ideas…and a Few More You Should Avoid!

Couple takes a cooking class for their first date
There’s no rule that states a first date has to be dinner and a movie or a drink at a bar, yet I find that the overwhelming majority of my clients will choose one of these activities if left to their own devices. This is where my job as a dating and relationship expert kicks in. My help to clients doesn’t just extend to finding them a match; I also try to steer my clients away from generic dating ideas and help them find activities that are more personal, more engaging, and hopefully more fun! Read more

Fleeing the Friend Zone

Girl rejects kiss from her friend
It’s the age-old debate: Can you get out of the friend zone? And more importantly, how do you stay out of the friend zone? I could write an entire novel on this subject, but I’ll try to keep it short and proactive for those of you stuck in the eternal hell that we call the “friend zone.” Here are my tips on how to stay out of this zone, as it’s much easier to stay out of it than leave it (unless, of course, you’re Billy Crystal in When Harry Met Sally). Read more