Style for Love

3 Things to Remember on Your First Date

Girl gets ready for her first dateFrom nervous jitters to butterflies in your stomach, it’s not unusual to experience a multitude of emotions at once when going on a first date. Going out on a date for the first time shouldn’t be a stressful event but rather an enjoyable and relaxed experience. Remember, it takes time to get to know a person well so try not to take your first time dating too seriously. Being yourself and being engagingly mindful can enhance your dating experience all that much more.

Safety First

This is a no brainer yet our emotions can override our brain but seriously ladies, take your own transportation and meet in public until you fully trust your date. There are people who go to pick up a date and get coerced into someone’s home or even worse going back to your date’s home later that night. Never feel pressured to go against your better judgment and feel uneasy to simply refuse an advance.

Also be alert at all times and aware of your surroundings whether it’s a coffee shop or a bar. Do not get drunk to put yourself in a vulnerable situation. It is a smart idea to have one or two people know of your whereabouts. Ultimately it is better to be safe than sorry at all times.

Be the Listener

Listening is powerful. One way to win the heart of your date is by listening. Listening shows how much you care, giving the person your undivided attention, your respect for the person – without saying a word! Yet people typically fail to listen effectively as most would much rather talk about themselves even on first dates surprisingly. I don’t know about you, but it’s a deal breaker for me. What a turn off!

Dress to Impress

When you look good, you feel good — it’s more than a cliche, it’s the truth! Humans are visual creatures especially men. And honestly, we judge people based on their appearance first then everything else comes later. Physical attraction is inevitable, it’s in our DNA.

One occasion that calls for an outfit to really wow a person is a date. Make the first impression a lasting impression on your date by putting your best face and body forward. How you dress and the way you carry yourself are a lethal combo that could make the difference in actually getting to a second date. However, most importantly, do it for you! When you are confident, it shows! For the ladies, how about this chic dress that can easily go from casual to dressy?
