Tag Archives: first date tips

I run my business by a few key rules and I don’t bend them. Like, at all. Always have operated like that and always will! One of my major rules is no sex before monogamy. Nothing goes in any hole until you two have had a serious conversation about exclusivity. If you’re looking for love, you have to abide by that rule. Plain and simple. But, there are a few times when it’s OK to have sex on the first date. Here they are. Read more

Hi Emily,
I learn so much from your podcasts! I am 36 and recently separated from a 16-year relationship. After waiting eight months, I decided I was ready to start dating again. A few colleagues of mine recommended some dating apps, so I checked them out. I went on two OKCupid dates and they went horribly. Then I gave it one last shot and started talking to a guy six years older than me. We have been talking for two weeks but haven't met in person yet. So far, our connection has been great!
So here’s my question for you: is there a certain timeline to meet this guy and move forward from there? What do you suggest when it comes to going from cyber- and phone-chatting to meeting IRL? Read more

With the arrival of nicer weather comes increased opportunity to meet new people and expand your social circle. Hopefully you have used my summer beauty and fashion tips into practice, and we can now dive into where you should go to make your summer romance happen.
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If you've ever been a member of an online dating site, you know how hard it is to create a profile that accurately describes yourself and what you're looking for in a partner. That's why many people resort to using the same old one liners in their profiles-they're easy and since they've been used so many times, they must work-right? Wrong! Here are ten of the most common online dating cliches and why you should avoid them.
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From nervous jitters to butterflies in your stomach, it's not unusual to experience a multitude of emotions at once when going on a first date. Going out on a date for the first time shouldn't be a stressful event but rather an enjoyable and relaxed experience. Remember, it takes time to get to know a person well so try not to take your first time dating too seriously. Being yourself and being engagingly mindful can enhance your dating experience all that much more. Read more

These days you don’t have to look far to find arrogant people, full of their own self-importance. One place in particular that appears to be packed with these self-obsessed jerks is Beverly Hills, California. I had the misfortune of encountering one of them the other day, while patiently waiting to get out of a parking garage. Out of nowhere, the woman in front of me had exploded with rage at the person in the booth.