Tag Archives: dating advice

Is baking the way to a man’s heart?

Is the way to a man’s heart really through his stomach?  My answer is, kind of! You see, men are just like women in some ways -- They want to know that we care about them. If you’ve got a good man on your hands, he really just wants to know that he’s important to you. Does that mean if you bake him cookies, he will fall into your arms? No. Does it mean that a little goes a long way? Yes. So, here are 5 super cute and super small ways to show that you care. And for the men: This list totally works both ways. If you bake sweets for a women, she'll know you've got the hots for her. Read more

How to tell your boyfriend he’s being a shit

Sometimes boyfriends can be pieces of shit. Sorry to put it that way, but it’s just true. Being a shit happens to the best of them. And, I know women can be shitty, too. Of course they can! But, that’s not what this article is about. This is about when boyfriends behave badly and how to handle it. First things first, you need to decide if this relationship is worth working for, because what I’m about to suggest is a lot of work. And not all relationships are. There’s no shame in not putting in the effort if the relationship isn’t working for you. But, if it is working in general and there’s been a period of crappy behavior, here’s how to handle telling him how you feel Read more

Not Attracted To Him: How To Tell A Man

Dating can be rough sometimes. You met a really great man. His words soothe your soul. You love the way he talks and what he's all about. He's a really good looking guy. But you're not feeling the attraction. You don't feel triggered. You don't really want to kiss him. You don't want him touching you. You don't want him making love to you. Read more

Make Her Remember You

Woman daydreams about her date
Men, this is not the complicated formula you learned in statistics class. It’s time to simplify things. While most guys do the same thing with women, it’s your job to stand out and give her something to remember you by.  Do something that will make you unforgettable. Subconsciously, this shows her that you are different from the rest of the pack, since she can’t seem to get you off of her mind. I’ve constructed 5 tips for you to use that will make her remember you and help you stand out amongst the sea of other dudes: Read more

What to do if you’re being benched

Have you heard of “benching” yet? It’s the new ghosting, but slightly different. Benching is when a guy is keeping you on the bench, but not playing you. He occasionally texts and seems kind of engaged, but never actually makes plans. Or if he does make plans, he doesn’t follow through with them and winds up canceling last minute. Sound familiar? I’m guessing it does since this is very typical guy behavior. If you date enough, you’ll definitely experience it. Here’s what to do if benching happens to you. Read more

The True Meaning Of… Let’s Just See Where It Goes

Does this story sound familiar to you?

Is there a man you dated briefly years ago? Due to some personal issues, it just didn’t work out.

You remained friends and you kept joker123 in touch. You ended up bumping into each other on a trip. You fooled around a bit.

He wanted more, you wanted spaceman slot more, but you were confused by the whole thing. You were wondering why it took so long to reconnect.

So you ask him:

What is this? Read more

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