Tag Archives: dating advice

I love children. I think they're amazing.
I love my girlfriend's kids.
I enjoy the time I get to spend with them.
I enjoy being able to read my girlfriend's little daughter books to sleep.
I don't get to do that with my daughter because she doesn't sleep over at my house. Read more

This is going to be a really simple explanation of two words that we have learned since we were little kids.
Yes and no.
See, dating doesn't need to be as confusing as all of you seem to make it on a regular basis.
You make it seem like there's a representative that literally cons you into a relationship and then all of a sudden, all these things magically appear like a leprechaun out of a Lucky Charms cereal box. Read more

I know it’s not even Thanksgiving yet, but if you’re single and hoping to hook a hottie by New Year’s Eve, it’s time to think about it. Of course, going into New Year’s Eve single is fun, too. But there are just some years where that’s not what you’re gunning for. If you know that you want to step into your New Year’s Even plans with a date you dig on your arm, here are five things you need to do. Read more

Let's be open today.
Let's be honest. I want you to raise your hand if you really like the entire process of dating – everything about it, from the ghosting to the benching.
Benching, by the way, is putting somebody on the sidelines and making you date other people and deciding whether or not you want to go see them again while they're in reserve.
Flaking, texting, misconnection… How many of you truly, really like dating? Raise your hands. Read more

Hey single girls! This one’s for you. If you’re sitting there wondering why you’re single, keep on reading. I’ll tell you! It’s because you’re not doing these five very simple things. If you do all five of my recommendations below, I’ll guarantee you find yourself with a great man in a great relationship in now time. So, let’s get to it.
Get busy Read more

I’m a type A, get-er-done gal. I want everything to happen right now, if not five seconds ago. And I really do mean everything. I never take my time with anything. Love is no exception. I move quickly with matters of the heart and I think you should too. It’s a total myth that taking a new relationship slowly will yield better outcomes than rushing in. Taking your time with love really never pays off. And, actually, it backfires a lot. Here’s why. Read more