Tag Archives: communication

10 Online Dating Cliches You Should Stop Using Immediately

If you've ever been a member of an online dating site, you know how hard it is to create a profile that accurately describes yourself and what you're looking for in a partner. That's why many people resort to using the same old one liners in their profiles-they're easy and since they've been used so many times, they must work-right? Wrong! Here are ten of the most common online dating cliches and why you should avoid them. Read more

How To Fight the Healthy Way

A couple fights the healthy way
Fighting might be something that you try to avoid like the plague while dating but even couples in very healthy relationships argue from time to time. “Fighting” brings to mind yelling, intense conversations, threats and slamming doors-but it doesn't have to be that way. It's normal to disagree with your partner, and heck, it's even encouraged. The best relationships are the ones that challenge us and that means there might be occasional disagreements-plus, there is no point in dating someone who never wants to fight for the beliefs. With that said, it's not about if you fight, it's more important how you fight. Here are some tips on how to fight with your partner and come out the other side with an even stronger relationship! Read more

What Do His Mixed Signals Mean?

Woman looks for clarity on how to read his mixed signals
One minute he’s all over you, the next he’s avoiding all contact with you. One moment he’s desperate to see you, the next he’s always too “busy” to see you. What’s going on? Why is he giving you mixed signals, and what can you do when a man gives you mixed signals? It’s funny because I get these emails from women all the time, asking me, “Why is my guy acting like this?” Read more

How to Help a Man Deal with Erectile Dysfunction

Frustrated man deals with erectile dysfunction
The stats say around 1 in 10 men suffer from ongoing erectile dysfunction, and that something like 1 in 4 have trouble “getting hard” at least once during their life. But as a woman, what can you do if you’re in bed with a man with erectile dysfunction? Do you ignore it, or should you say something? Here are the 3 things every woman should remember when your man is having problems “performing” in the bedroom… Read more

5 Things men never want you to say

Woman annoys man by saying these 5 things
Ladies, ladies, ladies. I get so many questions from you on how to please your man. The truth is that men are simple creatures. They like beer and sports and sex. And their dislikes are just as simple. What they don’t like to hear you say is actually the simplest stuff ever. But, it seems like many, many women are confused and need a little guidance. So, I thought that I’d just round up five of the top things your man never wants to hear you say. Read more

Change Your Timing, Change Your Arguments

Couple screams at each other during a fight
You and your partner are in the middle of a heated argument. Your partner tells you to stop because they want a break. But you keep going, since you can’t let things go. You think you have to resolve this right now. What’s the outcome? If it’s anything like what my clients go through there is most likely hurt, angry outbursts, regretful words, tears and maybe the silent treatment for hours or even days. How do intelligent, rational people who love each other do such harm to each other? Because they’re not rational when they hit that “point of no return.” Read more