You’ll find love when you least expect it…or will you? (Part 1)

woman searches for love, find love when you least expect it?

Being single can feel miserable, and it can become worse when well-meaning friends try to make you feel better. They offer encouragements such as “There are plenty of fish in the sea” or “You still have time.” But one riles me up more than any others: “You’ll find love when you least expect it.” Let’s see….would that kind of thinking work in other areas of life?

You’ll find a job when you least expect it. You’ll find a home when you least expect it. You’ll get a great body when you least expect it. You’ll make money when you least expect it. Of course not. Then why should we take a passive approach to love when we don’t do so in other areas of our lives? We update our resumes, network and spend hours hunting online for a good job. We talk to realtors and bankers and get our finances in order when we buy a home. Although some of us have great metabolisms, the rest of us have to work out and eat healthy to stay in shape. And since money doesn’t grow on trees, we have to work for it, budget it and save it. Read more

Dating in the Digital Age… are your communication skills keeping you from finding love?

Texting man distracted by not looking for love
Aziz Ansari is right! Text messaging has the power to ruin dating. The aggravation and exasperation he expresses to Conon O’Brien in this clip about dating in the digital age is exactly what I coach my clients to work against. Back in the days before the text message, when a man called a woman and asked her on a date, he didn’t have the option of sending a quick note to cancel at the last minute. He showed up like he said he would, and they had the opportunity to communicate in person. There was intimacy in this process because communication was direct, respectful, and responsive. Read more

3 Ways to know he’s your keeper

3 ways to know he's your keeper
This post was originally titled “3 Ways to know he’s a keeper,” but I changed it to “your keeper,” because that’s what important here. Who the heck cares if the guy looks good on paper or if a lot of other women want to marry him? What matters if he’s your forever guy. That’s different for every woman. And here’s how to tell if the guy you’re dating is your keeper. Read more

Why Don’t Men Call?

why doesn't he call?
Doesn’t it drive you crazy? You meet a guy, you smile, you chat for a while, and then you give him your phone number. You’re waiting for him to call you, but instead he gets into a text game with you. But wait, let me ask you this question… When a man DOES call you, do you pick up the phone? If you miss his call, do you ring him back right away? Or do you just text him back and carry on with the texting game. Back and forth you go, without actually speaking or arranging a date. In today’s modern digital world, everyone is so confused. Nobody knows what to do when they meet someone. Should we call? Should we text? Should we Tweet? Read more
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