Tag Archives: beauty

Beautifully Inconspicuous

Celebrity maintains her beauty through surgeries that aren't noticable
If you live in the United States and ever spend time in a grocery store line, surfing the web, or watching television—in other words, if you are alive, you know that there is a never ending fascination with celebrity culture: We want to know who’s doing what, when, where, and with who… And when it comes to plastic surgery, it’s always exciting to hear that someone rich and famous had something done to themselves and ended up looking funny. Read more

First Date Nerves? – Don’t Sweat it!

Woman applies deodorant so as not to sweat

Ladies, nothing kills the playful, flirty confidence that is so irresistible to guys faster than reserved self-consciousness… exactly the way most of us feel on a first date to begin with. What could make it worse? Sweaty pits.

You’re finally out on the town with some handsome mug you’ve been making goo-goo eyes at for the past 6 months- you planned your outfit, your hair, your entire look- but minutes into the date its clear that all that careful planning may be for naught if Hunky Hunkmasterson gets a peek at your perspiring pits. Read more

5 Non-Invasive Treatments You Should Think About Now

woman undergoes a non-invasive treatment
Even here in sunny Florida, it’s been a cold and wet winter.  I can’t even imagine what those of you more north are going through!  Not that I am trying to wish my life away, but one way I personally like to beat the winter blues is to start working toward bathing suit season. Summer is a time when we can shed all of those extra layers, dare to bare some skin and soak up all of that glorious Vitamin D (while protecting our skin with the appropriate SPF, of course).  So, in addition to the benefit of the endorphins released with that ramped up exercise program, here are 5 sure-fire treatments to have you feeling happier and more confident no matter what’s going on outside! Read more

Body Shock: I Feel Ugly And Unsexy

Woman feels ugly on the outside
Do you secretly hate the way you look? Do you look in the mirror and despise the woman looking back at you? Do you believe men don’t find you attractive? So many women struggle with self-image problems it’s untrue. I hear it all the time, and it really makes me sad. I don’t care whether you’re overweight, whether you’re short, whether you’re breasts hang by your knees, whatever, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! Read more

Michelle Obama doesn’t rule out plastic surgery

A healthy Michelle Obama
Michelle Obama, our first lady, recently went on the record as saying that she is not ruling out plastic surgery or Botox in the future.  She said, “Women should have the freedom to do whatever they need to do to feel good about themselves…I’ve also learned to never say never.” What a breath of fresh air it was for me to read this. That sentiment is really what Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Enhancement is all about- freedom! Freedom to be happy with your appearance… Freedom to be comfortable making the choices you make in order to look your best… Freedom from stigma or the opinions of others about what we “should” or “should not” be doing (provided it is safe and makes us happy).  Read more

What Does Your Red Lipstick Say to Men

Over the years, I have found that red lipstick catches most mens’ attention, more so than other colors. With so many different types of red, learn what message you are sending out and how men perceive you. Read more