The Fountain of Beauty

5 Non-Invasive Treatments You Should Think About Now

woman undergoes a non-invasive treatmentEven here in sunny Florida, it’s been a cold and wet winter.  I can’t even imagine what those of you more north are going through!  Not that I am trying to wish my life away, but one way I personally like to beat the winter blues is to start working toward bathing suit season.

Summer is a time when we can shed all of those extra layers, dare to bare some skin and soak up all of that glorious Vitamin D (while protecting our skin with the appropriate SPF, of course).  So, in addition to the benefit of the endorphins released with that ramped up exercise program, here are 5 sure-fire treatments to have you feeling happier and more confident no matter what’s going on outside!

#1. Laser Hair Removal

Who can’t wait to pack away those jeans and sweaters in exchange for tank tops, shorts and bathing suits?  Well, with that diminishment in clothing comes the need to shave more than once a week (if my husband is lucky). TMI? Sorry!  But…how nice would it be to save some time in the shower or not worry about those bothersome razor bumps?

Laser Hair removal is a very effective way to achieve permanent hair reduction. Be advised- it usually takes about 4-8 treatments spaced one month apart, and is more effective and safe on skin that has not had recent sun exposure.  So now is the perfect time to begin.

#2.  Intense Pulsed Light/Laser resurfacing

If you’re like me, those years of baking in the sun, before we really knew any better, are now beginning to manifest themselves as freckles or “age spots” that mar your otherwise pretty complexion.  Treatments such as IPL or laser resurfacing cause “selective thermolysis,” which target either the melanin or water underneath our skin and help to break up that uneven pigment and result in its reabsorption or exfoliation.  Again, these treatments are more effective and have fewer side effects when we can avoid the sun for a period either before or after they are performed.  Therefore, winter is the perfect time to seek treatment.

#3. Cool Sculpting

Working out and eating right, but still can’t lose those love handles or that little belly pooch?  Cool Sculpting is a FDA-approved non-surgical treatment that selectively freezes stubborn fat, which is then naturally eliminated from your body.  No downtime is required.  The results occur over a 3-month period, so now is a perfect time to get started.

#4. Sclerotherapy/Laser Vein treatment

We work so hard to tone up and slim down those legs of ours.  But there is very little that we can do on our own to get rid of those pesky blue or purple vessels that show through our nice tan.  Not to mention the actual discomfort they can cause while trying to maintain a more active lifestyle.  There have been such advances in technology over the past several years in this field.  Rather than the barbaric-sounding “stripping” of veins, there are now intravenous lasers that can eliminate even the most unsightly bulging vessels with just one treatment.  For smaller, spider veins, injections are still the gold standard for most providers.  Most vessels will require more than one treatment and can look worse before they look better.  So if you don’t think about it until the first time you look at your legs in your suit, it could be too late for this year.

#5.  miraDry

Does thinking about the summer heat break you out in a cold sweat?  Is this because even on the coldest of days or the in the most relaxed of situations you suffer from outbreaks of excessive underarm sweating?  You could be like millions of other Americans who suffer from Auxiliary Hyperhidrosis.  This is a true medical condition, which causes a lot of psychological, emotional and social anxiety to those who suffer from it.  miraDry is an FDA approved and clinically proven non-invasive treatment that uses electromagnetic waves to destroy the sweat glands, which do not re-grow.  Two treatments, spaced three months apart are recommended and on average provide an 82% sweat reduction.

As always, if you have any questions or comments on these or any other aging or non-surgical treatments, please feel free to reach out to me through the Aesthetic Enhancements Twitter page – @DrArmandoSoto.
