Patti's Blog

3 Amazing things to do on Valentine’s Day when you’re single

A single woman on valentine's dayHello, my sexy singles! I know on Valentine’s Day it can feel like all eyes are on the couples and no one out there is looking out for the single folks. But, don’t worry, my loves. I haven’t forgotten you! After all, I’ve been single on many a Valentine’s Day and I know that February 14th can be the loneliest night of the year. So, I cooked up three amazing things singletons can do on Valentine’s Day to make the most of the day and ward off the V-Day blues.

Hang out with your friends

This might sound like a “duh” suggestion, but I don’t mean go out with a gaggle of girls and try to pick up men. The night of Valentine’s Day isn’t the right time to meet someone new. You’re in a weird emotional Valentinesy mood and men on the prowl on V-Day aren’t looking for long-term commitment. Go and spend real time with your best single friends. Cook dinner and invite your girlfriends over. Or maybe invite a woman you’ve always wanted to be closer with on a hike. Really hangout with your friends (or future friends). Don’t just talk about being miserable on Valentine’s Day. Have fun, make new memories, enjoy each other!


Work on your online profile

Another option is to spend the evening with your online dating profile. Buff it up to perfection. Take a really critical look at what you have out there and what kind of dudes that’s attracting. Change your profile as much as you want to change the type of man who’s getting in touch with you. Creating an online profile that really reflects you and attracts the right type of guys takes some serious work. Valentine’s Day is the perfect motivation to roll up your sleeves and get to work.


Make a night alone your valentine

Take a night for yourself. Really, really for yourself. This isn’t just any night when you’re home alone. It’s Valentine’s Day! Just because you’re single doesn’t mean you don’t deserve a special night. Don’t do your taxes or clean your bathtub or organize that big pile of mail on your coffee table. Order in food you really love—don’t worry about the calories—watch your favorite movie, use those fancy face masks you’ve been saving for a special occasion and treat yourself! A luxurious night in can be your valentine to yourself.


Alright, my sexy singles, I hope that gives you something amazing to do on Valentine’s Day. Let me know in the comments what you do on Valentine’s Day! Know that I’m sending a virtual valentine to each and every one of you!
