Category Archives: Wellness

How to curb emotional eating

Woman emotionally eating when she's not hungry

Feeding Your Feelings?

Emotional eating is simply a result of the discomfort of unwanted feelings. We tend to want to avoid painful feelings; we could say we swallow them as we overindulge in food—a way to stuff our emotions down to a place where they can be ignored for a while. Eating becomes a way to disassociate from thoughts and feelings that make us uncomfortable. It is a temporary distraction from the products of our restless minds. But notice the word “temporary.” When the cake is gone, the feeling, the issue, the conflict, or the problem is still very much present—along with the additional pounds. Read more

The 3 Most Common Relationship Symbols We All Dream About

I have been researching and studying the dreaming mind for over 18 years and have analyzed close to 70, 000 dreams!  In this time I have found that there are certain symbols that will show up in our dreams from time to time that are giving us insight into our relationships. Let’s go over the three most common relationship symbols and what they mean. Then, I’d love for you to tell me in the comments if you’ve had any of these symbols in your dreams lately. Read more

How To Fight the Healthy Way

A couple fights the healthy way
Fighting might be something that you try to avoid like the plague while dating but even couples in very healthy relationships argue from time to time. “Fighting” brings to mind yelling, intense conversations, threats and slamming doors-but it doesn't have to be that way. It's normal to disagree with your partner, and heck, it's even encouraged. The best relationships are the ones that challenge us and that means there might be occasional disagreements-plus, there is no point in dating someone who never wants to fight for the beliefs. With that said, it's not about if you fight, it's more important how you fight. Here are some tips on how to fight with your partner and come out the other side with an even stronger relationship! Read more

How Your Dreams Help You Navigate Your Relationships

Woman sleeping and dreams to guide her relationship

The other morning I was a guest on a radio show in Philadelphia. Listeners were calling in and asking me about their strange dreams.  A lady named Nancy called in and her dream caused me great concern. She said for the last 10 years she had been having a recurring dream, at least once a week, that she was being shot at by German Fighter Jets. She thought the dream may have to do with her father since he was a pilot for the Navy during World War II.

I asked her, “Is your father still with us and if so is he really hard on you?” Read more

5 Dating Behaviors That Are Stressing You Out

Woman stressed over dating
Nobody ever said that dating was a walk in the park, and I'm all about the little things that make the process of finding love just a bit easier. Here are five dating habits that are totally stressing you out, and how to break them. Read more

Can Your Diet Make you Calmer?

Sugar drops into coffee, two items that can make you less calm
Feeling a little cranky and anxious? Changing your diet up may help—cut down or eliminate these foods for a healthier and happier attitude. Read more
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