Category Archives: Relationships

Advice on everything related to love and relationships.

3 Amazing things to do on Valentine’s Day when you’re single

A single woman on valentine's day
Hello, my sexy singles! I know on Valentine’s Day it can feel like all eyes are on the couples and no one out there is looking out for the single folks. But, don’t worry, my loves. I haven’t forgotten you! After all, I’ve been single on many a Valentine’s Day and I know that February 14th can be the loneliest night of the year. So, I cooked up three amazing things singletons can do on Valentine’s Day to make the most of the day and ward off the V-Day blues. Read more

#AskPatti: Valentine’s Day gifts & bouncing back from sex too soon

Ask Patti Stanger
Hello, hello! Happy almost Valentine’s Day. Guys, I just came back from shopping and I swear it felt like December 24th at the mall. There were tons of men and women frantically dashing around looking for Valentine’s Day gifts for their boos. I’m so glad I got my V-Day shopping out of the way early. I got my man something special and a lot of little things for other very special people in my life. I firmly believe that Valentine’s Day isn’t just for your lover, but for everyone in your life whom you love. And some of the loves of my life are you guys! I wish I could get a Valentine for every single one of you! But, I can’t, my tweeties. So, I’ll just answer your questions. Read more

A Man’s thoughts on Valentines Day

Ask Justin Bird
Men have a love/hate relationship with Valentine’s day. Some have it down, some don’t. The latter runs to the flower shop the day of to buy what’s left of the roses and then stumbles to the Hallmark aisle for the “perfect” card. #truth Read more

How to Negotiate the Ring

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Does Your Age Put Men Off?

Woman examines her age in the mirror
I get so many emails from women each week that begin the same way. They lead with something like, “David, I’m a 46 year old woman, but I don’t look my age.” Or, “I’m in my fifties, but I’m very young-minded.” My favorite one is, “I’m 44, but guys always say I look much younger.” Why do you need to start an email like that? Why is your age important? Nobody really thinks they look their age anyway. Here’s the thing… I look good for my age, but it doesn’t matter if people think I look much younger. All that matters is I look good, and I’m in great shape for a man of my age. That’s the mindset you need. You can’t turn back time. It’s great a man thinks you look younger, but the fact you bring your age up all the time means you’re subconsciously worried you’re too old to meet a man. Read more

3 Ways to tell if you and your guy are going to have a good Valentine’s Day

If you’ve been into a drug store recently, you know that Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. And that Cadbury makes Valentine’s Day candy too. I mean, that’s genius. Why didn’t this happen earlier? Anyway, it’s pretty common knowledge that Valentine’s Day can be hell for all of the single people out there. But, it can also be pretty terrible for those of us in relationships. I’ve had some very good relationships turn sour because of a bad Valentine’s Day. To make sure that won’t happen to you, here are some ways to tell if your V-Day is going to be good. Read more