Tag Archives: dating services

The Benefits of Working with a Certified Matchmaker

I mention the benefits of working with a Certified Matchmaker often, so I want to take some time to explain why working with matchmakers that are certified is so beneficial.

A little back story:

When I left my career in social work to become a matchmaker, I found a huge gap in the matchmaking industry in terms of support, networking, and industry standards. As a social worker I was used to attending conferences, taking advantage of ongoing training opportunities, and having a network of peers and co-workers to consult with on a daily basis. In my new career none of this was available to me. I had to learn on the fly, and made many mistakes along the way. To amend this, I co-founded the Matchmaking Institute in 2003, two years after starting my matchmaking company VIP life.  I am proud to say that the institute is the first state licensed school for matchmakers with an approved curriculum. The Matchmaking Institute offers a professional matchmakers trade association, matchmaking workshops, and a yearly world-wide professional Matchmakers and Date Coaches Conference.  Read more

How To Date When You’re Feeling Down

We’ve all heard it during the past few years. A lot. “It’s been a challenging year”. So many people I know have experienced it. Friends, clients, family, friends of friends, women I’ve met online, whatever it is...it’s in the air and it seems to have touched nearly everybody. In the past, the well educated and well employed have been immune to it, but not this time. Read more

Love on the network

It’s official. We have moved from the ancient age of meeting people at a bar, club, place of worship, through friends, etc. to the new age of finding love online -- both on dating websites and on social networks. We are a perfect example of the social network part of this trend -- we met on the social network that started it all: Myspace. Now there are about a zillion other social network platforms out there, like Facebook and Twitter, where not only can you let all your friends and family know when you are going to the bathroom, but you can actually meet your soon-to-be wife or husband too! It has never been an easier world to find your mate than the one we live in now. Read more

Hiring an escort: Yay or nay?

The Wedding Date and male escort services
Who wouldn't hire the swift and sexy Dermot Mulroney to sweep you off your feet? Lucky for Debra Messing's character, their business arrangement blossomed into true love. BUT -- yes there is a "but" -- even if you're as beautiful and talented as Debra, it doesn't mean you'll find your own Dermot. So, should you order in a man? Read more