Tag Archives: dates

What to do if you’re being benched

Have you heard of “benching” yet? It’s the new ghosting, but slightly different. Benching is when a guy is keeping you on the bench, but not playing you. He occasionally texts and seems kind of engaged, but never actually makes plans. Or if he does make plans, he doesn’t follow through with them and winds up canceling last minute. Sound familiar? I’m guessing it does since this is very typical guy behavior. If you date enough, you’ll definitely experience it. Here’s what to do if benching happens to you. Read more

Why I hate ending a date early

I was at brunch the other day next to a loud group of young twenty-something women. One of them was blabbing about how, the night before, she walked out of a date after 15 minutes. She described the guy as nice, but dorky and boring. Apparently, they had zero chemistry. She picked up her purse, threw down money for the drink and walked right out of there. She was so proud telling her friends about it. It took every ounce of self-control I had not to flip the table. Read more

The Importance of Date Night

I love children. I think they're amazing. I love my girlfriend's kids. I enjoy the time I get to spend with them. I enjoy being able to read my girlfriend's little daughter books to sleep. I don't get to do that with my daughter because she doesn't sleep over at my house. Read more

The Three Ways To Find Out If You’re Dating The Right Person

Let's be open today. Let's be honest. I want you to raise your hand if you really like the entire process of dating – everything about it, from the ghosting to the benching. Benching, by the way, is putting somebody on the sidelines and making you date other people and deciding whether or not you want to go see them again while they're in reserve. Flaking, texting, misconnection… How many of you truly, really like dating? Raise your hands. Read more

The Secret To Being A Better Flirt

The key to flirting is to have an inquisitive mind. Having an inquisitive mind is having a flirtatious mind. Flirting is really all about curiosity. It's amazing that how many people don't know how to flirt, or choose not to. When I'm on Bumble (which by the way is fun), or any other dating app, or any other way to meet, it's amazing how many people don't ask questions at all. Read more

3 Things you can learn about yourself from getting dumped

Getting dumped is never a good feeling. In fact, dumpage often leads to some of the worst feelings a human heart can experience. But, that doesn’t mean getting dumped is necessarily all bad. Just because it feels terrible doesn’t mean that nothing good can come from it. You can learn some pretty valuable lessons about yourself from getting dumped. Here are a few of them. Read more