10 of my favorite quotes about relationships

Hearts hang from a christmas tree representing love
Call me a cheeseball—you wouldn’t be the first—but, I love a good quote! In fact, I kind of collect them. I’ve had a quotebook for as long as I can remember. In it, I jot down meaningful quotes that I hear and read. Then, I sometimes read through my little quote book and it makes me feel all warm and mushy inside. I have quotes in my book about everything. So, I thought I’d start sharing some of my favorites with you. Here’s my first batch—my favorite quotes about relationships. Read more

Daily horoscopes: February 27, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

You must choose between liking the life you live and living the life you like. Try the latter. You’ll be happier.


(April 20 - May 20):

You’re not being pushed out. If anything current events are building a bridge to something better but you won’t see it until after you cross over. Read more

Daily horoscopes: February 26, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

A venture has potential however prospects are challenging. This would change given time, but ask yourself if you have the patience to see it through.


(April 20 - May 20):

You have a lot to give which is why you should be choosey about what you take on. You’ll recognize the right situation when you see it. Read more

Are You ‘The Invisible Woman’ Online?

Woman rethinks online dating and considers finding a matchmaker
Remember Wonder Woman? She was the big-breasted woman that used to fly around in the invisible plane? Even when I was a kid, I used to say to myself, “How the hell does nobody see her?” Is she also invisible? Read more

How Matchmaking Found Me The Love Of My Life

why i love being a matchmaker, paperclips in shape of heart
I credit finding my husband to my career, and not because a fellow matchmaker set me up with him. When I took the leap from working in social work to becoming a matchmaker in the late 90’s, I was newly divorced. I had gotten married too young; I wasn’t ready. I was extremely shy at that time, and even though I was in my early 30’s, I had so much more to learn about relationships. Read more

Why right now is the perfect time to start a relationship

I know it seems like these past few months were invented to make a single girl feel like crap. Couples costumes on Halloween. Thanksgiving dinners without a plus one. Dancing by yourself at holiday parties. Going to the bathroom at the stroke of midnight so you won’t be such a spectacle not kissing someone. And then the big one, Valentine’s Day, the Hallmark holiday seemingly crafted to make singles feel like big old pieces of crap. Well, guess what? Shake off the blues you’ve been feeling the past few months and get aggressive with your online dating because right now is the perfect time to start a relationship. Here’s why. Read more