An opponent holds all the cards, but that doesn’t mean he knows how to use them. Sit tight because he may not even be aware of his advantage.
Today’s earth trine pairs the craftiness of the Sun in Virgo with the inventiveness of Uranus in Taurus and you will be the lucky beneficiary.
An auspicious Moon/Jupiter sextile brings a long and tedious affair to a close. Don’t be surprised by the overwhelming sense of relief.
Tired of reaching the same impasse? Maybe you’re ready for a change in approach. A friend provides you with the means to circumvent an obstacle.
Ambivalence clings to the heels of any big decision, but it’s better to act than to wonder what if.
Mercury opposite Saturn signals a sag in sales or a drop in interest. Postpone pitches and proposals until after the 26th when things pick up again.