Category Archives: The Men’s Room – Love and Relationship Advice From a Man For Women

Ditch Your Battery Operated Lover!

 Vroom, vroom, vroom . . .

No, this isn’t a car commercial. This post is dedicated to all the women who have become addicted to their vibrators. I once dated a woman who was completely addicted to a vibrator the size of a horse. You know the one . . . it’s supposed to be a back massager. You plug it in, straddle it like a pony, put it on full speed, and kick back and ride it like a bucking bronco. Because of this addiction, there was no way I could get her to cum. No matter what I did – whether I used my tongue, my finger or my joystick – I could not sensate her body like her vroom vroom stick. Read more

Can Career-Minded Women Find Love?

Can Career-Minded Women Find Love?
Are you a career-minded woman? Do you run a successful business, own your condo, and drive a nice car? You’re successful in all areas of your life, except when it comes to dating. How come you can have so much abundance, and still find it hard to attract men? Here’s the thing… There are still a bunch of old-fashioned guys out there who are very intimidated by powerful women. You earn more money than they do, you drive a nicer car than they do, and you live in a bigger house than they do. Should these things bother them? Probably not. So what’s their problem? Is it that these guys are just male chauvinists who think a woman’s place is in the home? Read more

“Men don’t like making commitments!”

woman upset about her man not committing
I keep hearing this ridiculous statement spouted by bitter women all around the globe, and it drives me nuts.  If men don’t like commitment, why are so many men in a committed relationship? I hate blanket stereotypes like this one. In all my years as a dating and relationship expert, the only women I hear say these kinds of things have been hurt in the past. Most of them have a grudge against men in general. Read more

Is he really Prince Charming?

kill the idea of prince charming a move forward with your life
Does this scenario sound familiar to you… You’ve met this man. He’s handsome, charming, caring, and successful. It’s like he jumped right out of your dreams. He seems so perfect. Prince Charming finally found you! So how comes a month later it all goes wrong? Read more

How Do I Get Him To Like Me?

“David, how do I get him to like me?” I can’t tell you how many times women email this question, and it breaks my heart. You meet a guy. You think he’s great. He has the best resume you’ve seen in a while. He’s good looking, he has a good job, and he’s caring, but no matter what you do, you feel you can’t get him to like you. Listen to the original question again… “How do I get a man to like me?” Do you realize how weak that question is? What’s wrong with you? Do you really need to get someone to like you? Are you not likeable the way you are? Aren’t you an amazing, beautiful woman? Read more

Help, He Pulled Away! Now I’m In The Friend Zone!

stay out of the friend zone with these simple tests

Does this scenario sound familiar to you? You met a guy. Seems like a great guy. You get to know each other a bit. You start having sex. Things are going really, really well. You don’t want to get too excited but you start to feel like you’ve met someone special. Then, all the sudden, he sits you down and starts giving you that dreadful speech. You know what’s coming but you don’t want to believe it. “I think you're great…but I see you more as a friend,” he says. He’s pulled away, and now you’re in the friend zone. Read more