Category Archives: The Men’s Room – Love and Relationship Advice From a Man For Women

The Key To Success in Dating

Stop taking it so personal. That is the key. Every single day my inbox is filled with hundreds of e-mails from women who take dating very personally. From the minute they see someone they're attracted to, they immediately think of reasons why this man isn't going to like them. Read more

12 Signs That a Man Likes You for Sure

I love women, I really do. You just want to know if a man is into you. You’re always looking for signs. My mother was big with that. She always taught me that there would be signs if I met my soulmate, signs that she was the one for me. Signs that I would be meeting my next girlfriend. I love signs. Unfortunately Read more

How To Know If You Had An Orgasm

Well, if you're a man, it's pretty simple. I don't need to describe it here because we all know exactly how a man orgasms. But I hear over and over again from women: “I'm really not quite sure I've orgasmed.” “I think I have, but I'm not sure.” My answer to that is Read more

The one reason why you don’t find love

As I combed through my daily batch of e-mails, I read a theme that seems to be going strong for so many women: a desire for love, yet no idea how to find it. How do you find love? Well, love is literally looking you back in the mirror every single day. It starts with loving yourself. It starts with honoring yourself. We've all heard the term self-love so many times. But Read more

The Number One Reason Why You Need To Thank Your Exes

I'm going to go radical on you today. I'm going to give you the number one reason why you need to actually thank your exes. First, I'm going to share a story with all of you that you may have heard if you've read or listened to me over the years Read more

The Top Six Damaging Relationship Strategies

If you practice any one of these relationship strategies, you are going to get into one damaging relationship after another. And I call them strategies, but in reality, they are really things you need to avoid in order to have a healthy relationship. Because if you have any of these qualities, you are definitely not going to have a very healthy mutually satisfying love relationship. Read more