Monthly Archives: July 2015

Daily horoscopes: July 27, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

Worried that you’ll upset your life by pursuing your passion? Think of it this way: you’ll still be the same person – but happier.


(April 20 - May 20):

Bring the focus back to your friendship. This does more to rekindle the joy than trundling out that tired list of grievances. Read more

5 Signs It’s A Good First Date Before You Even Say a Word

First dates can be the kind of magic that gives Criss Angel a run for his money. They can also be the kind of hell that makes taking an ice pick to the funny bone sound pleasant. That’s the thing with first dates, they’re a total crapshoot. You could win big in the love department or end up with, well, crap! I have five signs that should help you determine if your first date is going to be amazing or if it’s just another first date dud before the date even starts. Read more

Daily horoscopes: July 24, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

Now that you’ve bridged the gap between “me” and “you” in a relationship you can start focusing on the “us” part.


(April 20 - May 20):

You know that thankless task you said you’d take care of one day? Well, that day has come and you need to take care of it. Read more

How Our Dreams Can Help Us with Trust Issues

Every morning I’m on the radio somewhere in the country doing live dream interpretations for the station’s listeners. The other morning the female host of the show I was on asked me about a dream she had. When I started to dissect it, it revealed a very interesting trust issue that plagues waaaaaay too many relationships. Read more

Daily horoscopes: July 23, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

It’s not up to others to police your less than desirable traits. Accepting accountability for your behavior is not only liberating, it’s also empowering.


(April 20 - May 20):

A recurring argument has happened one too many times. Look under the hood of a friendship. Something is in need of an oil change. Read more

How to Have Hot Summer Sex (Without Breaking a Sweat)

Summer is upon us. Along with longer days and hotter nights, summer brings a sense of freedom and spontaneity, like anything is possible. Unless that “anything” involves generating any kind of body heat. Read more