Monthly Archives: October 2013

#AskPatti: How To Get Over A Guy Who Keeps Contacting You

Ask Patti Stanger
Ugh, ugh, ugh. Let me tell you something—I can relate to this and I’m pretty sure that all women can. This situation is annoyingly common. Some douche dumps you because he’s a douche and then he won’t leave you alone to heal because he’s a double douche. Here are my steps for how to move on from this double dip of douchedom. Read more

How Do I Get Out of the “Friend Zone?”

the highway to the friend zone


"Hoping you can help Lisa. I have been putting myself out into the dating scene a lot these past couple of months and have met some really great women. The problem is, after a few great dates most of the women I meet tell me that they think we would be better off as friends. I'm sick and tired of being stuck in the friend zone. How do I get out of there?!" 

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Can Career-Minded Women Find Love?

Can Career-Minded Women Find Love?
Are you a career-minded woman? Do you run a successful business, own your condo, and drive a nice car? You’re successful in all areas of your life, except when it comes to dating. How come you can have so much abundance, and still find it hard to attract men? Here’s the thing… There are still a bunch of old-fashioned guys out there who are very intimidated by powerful women. You earn more money than they do, you drive a nicer car than they do, and you live in a bigger house than they do. Should these things bother them? Probably not. So what’s their problem? Is it that these guys are just male chauvinists who think a woman’s place is in the home? Read more

5 Ways to seduce him

5 ways how to seduce him
I know what it’s like to be several months or years into a relationship and feel like that zip-zap-zoom has dwindled down a blip-bleep-bloop. It’s tough to keep the sexy factor up there when the everyday-life-factor is in there. Who feels sexy when you see your dude accidentally put on his tighy-whiteys backwards every morning? Well, no matter where you are in your relationship, here are five ways you can seduce your man and crank up that sexy factor for the night. Read more

#AskPatti: Mixed signals, long distance & meeting the kiddos

Ask Patti Stanger
Hello, hello! Reading your #AskPatti questions on Twitter is a real highlight of my week. I wish I could answer them all! Alas, I’m just one woman with one keyboard and one really busy schedule. So I can’t do all of them. But, I am going to try to answer as many as I can this week. Welcome to #AskPatti: Rapid Fire Edition! Read more

The Happy Sad

facebook relationship status changed to single
Well here we are folks, October. In most cities, when the seasons change they are usually marked by the turning of leaves, cooler weather or people wearing more layers. In West Hollywood, the change of seasons is marked by gay men switching from tank tops to deep v-neck t-shirts, beaches to tanning beds and starvation to eating. It brings me great pleasure to know that all the ab-flaunting guys in the city get a break and can finally eat a meal with out fear of an impromptu pool party! But just as I begin to breath a sigh of relief, several status updates on Facebook begin to string together a different story. “Is now Single” is the status updates on a few walls. Read more