
Where you should not look for men this summer

You know what summertime means, right? No, not white denim shorts! Well, yeah, actually, I guess those are great for summer also. But what’s even better is summer lovin’! Summer is everyone’s favorite season to fall in love. It’s sunny and happy, and no one’s working as hard. It just seems like it’s easier to meet new people during summertime.

But just because it’s summer doesn’t mean that everywhere you look you’ll find a guy. There are places that can be total time wasters if you’re really on the hunt for summer love. So here are some places where you shouldn’t waste your time looking for men this season.

Da club

This may just be me showing my age, but recently clubs give me the icks. They’re loud and sweaty, sticky and not what I want to do with my Saturday night. But if that’s your scene, I get it. Go out and have a great time clubbing up a storm. Just don’t expect to make a lasting summer love on the dance floor. Guys at clubs aren’t out for relationships. They’re out for some tongue on the floor and a one-night stand if they’re lucky. You’re not going to find a man who will stick around through Labor Day on the club scene.


We all know that the digital world has had a major impact on the dating scene and made meeting people a whole lot easier. Everyone knows I am a big advocate of online dating. But the summertime is not the time to explore only that. Spend more of the summer season outside away from your monitors. Summer is the easiest time of the year to meet a guy in person. As great as technology is, nothing compares to being able to size up chemistry potential in person. So step away from the keyboard and into the real world, and take advantage of summer!

Your book club

I can’t tell you how many women I talk to who tell me that they’re resolving to get out there and meet a guy by getting involved in new hobbies. And then the hobbies they get involved in are a book club or a cooking class or an all-ladies knitting circle. Come on! To get out there and meet men, you have to be some place a man goes. And he’s not sitting around with a mug of tea waiting to discuss the finer points of Fifty Shades of Grey.


Work is usually a fine place to meet a man. You normally get to know someone pretty well before it gets romantic, and there’s an element of forbidden badassery that makes everything more exciting. But it’s summertime, and there are tons of opportunities to meet men outside of your cubicle walls. Get out there and do them. And if it hasn’t happened with your office crush during the other three seasons of the year, it’s not going to happen during the summer. I mean, do you know what your hair looks like after a commute in 90 degree heat and humidity? Yeah, I went there.

What other spots should single girls avoid during the summer if they’re on the summer love hunt? Let me know what you think!
