Tag Archives: vacation

Why every single girl needs to go on a vacation alone

One of my closest single girlfriends just came back from a solo Eat, Pray, Love type trip. She bopped around the world for six full weeks and, I swear, she’s come back a happier, healthier person. I’ve never seen her this comfortable in her own skin. We were talking and she totally credits it to the fact that she traveled alone. After our convo, I decided that every single girl needs to go on a vacation alone. Here’s why. Read more

What to do if you want different vacations

Summer is here and it’s time to think about vacations! On the real though, when is it not time to think about vacations? I’m always bookmarking travel articles and liking vacation-inspo pics, no matter the time of year. But, with school out and workloads a little lighter, summer is the official vacation season. So, what happens if you start thinking about a vacation and you and your boo don’t agree on what that vacation should be? He wants a relaxing beach vacation and you want to go to museums. Or you want adventure and she wants shopping. Two different people, even two people in a really great relationship, can want very different things out of their vacations. Here’s how to make that work. Read more

What a millionaire’s vacation home says about him

I feel like as soon as summer ended, all of my friends started planning their fall and winter vacations. And who can blame them? Summer feels like a season long vacation with the weekend trips and the great weather and the slower workflow. It’s the absolute best! As soon as it stops, you can’t help but want to create a mini summer for yourself. I started to realize how different the vacations my friends are planning are and how they reflect their personalities in a big way. The same thing can be said for millionaire men and their vacations homes. Investing in a vacation home is a major commitment, even for a millionaire. Because there’s a lot of thought, planning and, let’s get real, money involved in getting a vacation home, the type of vacation home he owns can give you a great insight into a millionaire’s personality. Here’s a little break down. Read more

How to plan your first vacation together

If you clicked into this, that means that you and your new boo are getting ready to go your first vacation. That’s a huge step in a relationship! Congrats! The fact that both of you want to travel together means that your both feeling this relationship. A trip is a real test for a relationship and you two think your relationship will pass with flying colors! Great! Now, the only thing to do is to plan it…which is kinda a big part. You guys need to talk money, logistics and commitments. So, it can get sticky. Here’s how to do it so you wind up going on the vacation of your dreams with the man of your dreams! Read more

Unsure if he’s the one? Take a vacation together

Are you several dates or even a few weeks in and not sure if your new guy is something serious or just fun for now? Of course that’s where you are that early in a relationship. It’s totally normal. Well, I’ve just taken a whole new approach to the beginning stage uncertainties. Instead of waffling back and forth for who knows how long, I say take a vacation together. That’s right. Put the pedal to the metal and go on a couples’ vacation. Just the two of you. I know that seems crazy. Why would you rush into a huge milestone? Couldn’t pushing it like that ruin everything? What if it’s terrible and you’re trapped? All of those are very understandable concerns…and actually exactly why I think you should do it. Let me explain. Read more

How to tell if you should bring your new man on family vacation

I just went on a little trip and wound up chatting with a woman by the pool. She was there on family vacation with her husband and kids…and her daughter’s new boyfriend. Even though we’d just met, she unloaded on me about this boyfriend. And it wasn’t pretty. The parents couldn’t believe that their daughter even asked to bring him but they didn’t know how to say know, he wasn’t vibing with the family, and her other daughter felt completely left out for the entire trip. Then, the daughter and her boyfriend fought and seemed to be on the verge of breaking up! Read more