Tag Archives: sex tips

Go Down On Her Like You Mean It!

Woman enjoys oral sex from man
Unless your tongue is broken, there's absolutely no excuse not to go down on her, especially if she’s going down on you. And if there is one thing women love it’s oral sex. With your tongue on her clitoris and your eyes looking into her eyes, go down on her with these six orgasmic-inducing tips. Read more

The secret to better sex

I got into this business because I love love. Really, there’s no one who’s more smitten with romance than I am. But, that doesn’t mean that I don’t love sex too. Those two often go hand in hand! Or something else in something else, if you know what I mean. And I’m here to share with you the one secret that will make your sex life a million times better. Are you ready for it? Ok, here it is—Communication! That’s right. Not kegels or costumes or whipped cream. It’s good old fashioned communication that’s going to heat up your sex life. And here’s how to do it. Read more

How Can I Make My Husband Swoon Like He Used To?

Welcome to Ask Patti! My weekly advice column where I answer your questions. If you have a question, just tweet me with the #AskPatti hashtag or click on that cute little widget in the right rail. See it? Just a little lower. Ok, you got it. Cute, right? Click on it and it totally sets you up to tweet at me. All right, on to this week’s question. Great question. Even the fact that you’re looking for ways to spice up your marriage shows me that you’re a great partner to your husband and really put effort into maintaining your relationship, which I like to hear. Relationships are about way more than falling in love. They’re about staying in love, which takes work. So, here are three tips I have for getting the excitement and intimacy back into your marriage. Read more

Simultaneous Orgasms, anyone?

womans hand grabs the bed during multiple orgasms
In a perfect world, couples would make love everyday, each session would end with simultaneous orgasms and then you’d watch your mutually favorite television show. But we know that’s not going to happen- at least the simultaneous orgasm part. Because, in reality, he’s thinking, “Please, let me get through the next seven minutes without ejaculating,” while she’s thinking, “Please, just this once let me have an orgasm during intercourse.” Not to mention the guys who also have a hard time orgasming during sex. (That happens far more frequently than you think.) So what can you do to make sure you both get the orgasms and pleasure you want (simultaneous orgasms preferred, but not required)? Read more

Why women should make the first move

When was the last time you initiated sex? If you had to think about it for longer than 5 seconds it’s probably been awhile. Well, here’s some news: the biggest complaint I hear from men is that their girlfriend or wife doesn’t initiate sex enough, or at all. It’s not entirely your fault.  Many women are taught from a young age to have the guy take the lead, pay for the date, plan the date, open all the doors, and make the first phone call. He probably even asked you out on the first date. It would follow then that many women don’t feel it’s acceptable to initiate sex. Ever. Read more

How to let go in the bedroom

Ladies… I want to tell you something I hope is going to change the way you feel about yourself in the bedroom. For some reason, the media has this stupid attitude towards women and sexuality. If a man is “wild” in the bedroom he’s a hero, yet if a woman’s “wild” in the sack she’s a whore. But here’s the thing… As women, it’s perfectly fine to let go in the bedroom. It’s fine to be direct, it’s OK to be sexy, and it’s perfectly acceptable for you to be vocal during sex. In fact, most guys love it. I know I love when a woman lets her hair down. When she’s a little kinky. Maybe even a little dirty. We’re humans, and we’re sexual beings. It’s how we’re created, and it’s something we should celebrate. The more you relax and let yourself go, the better your relationships are going to be. So here’s what I want you to do… Read more