Tag Archives: relationships

Why every relationship needs a shared calendar

There are certain technological advancements that I honestly don’t know how I lived without – GPS, email, Uber and, when I'm in a relationship, shared calendars. Every single couple needs to get themselves a shared calendar. If you don’t, you’re really doing yourself, and your relationship, a massive disservice. Here’s why. Read more

Do you have nothing in common with your boo?

Have you been with your man a while and feel like you’re drifting apart? That’s not uncommon. And it’s not necessarily a bad thing. It’s simply a sign that it’s time for the two of you to work on your relationship, which could turn out to be fabulous for both of you and your future together. If you feel like your boo and you have nada when it comes to overlapping interests, here’s what you have to do. Read more

12 Signs That a Man Likes You for Sure

I love women, I really do. You just want to know if a man is into you. You’re always looking for signs. My mother was big with that. She always taught me that there would be signs if I met my soulmate, signs that she was the one for me. Signs that I would be meeting my next girlfriend. I love signs. Unfortunately Read more

How to deal when your family doesn’t know your man

A friend of mine has been dating her man for about 18 months and they’re ready to get engaged. I’m so happy for her and she’s so happy for herself, but she confessed to me that she’s a little bummed her parents and brothers don’t know her dude better. She lives in Los Angeles now and her family is back on the East Coast. They’ve met her man a few times and he even came home with her once, but he’s probably spent a total of five days with her family. Read more

The Top Six Damaging Relationship Strategies

If you practice any one of these relationship strategies, you are going to get into one damaging relationship after another. And I call them strategies, but in reality, they are really things you need to avoid in order to have a healthy relationship. Because if you have any of these qualities, you are definitely not going to have a very healthy mutually satisfying love relationship. Read more

5 Signs your family’s too involved in your relationship

Being close with your family is a truly wonderful thing. And when you find a partner that loves your family and your family loves them back, that makes everything even more wonderful. But, there is such a thing as too much family love toward your relationship. Or, maybe not too much family love, just too much family in your relationship. That’s when your relationship stops being a beautiful thing between two people who are in love and starts be a really complicated thing among every single person whom you love. If you think your family-relationship dynamic might be crossing the line Read more