Tag Archives: age

Why Do People Lie About Their Age Online?

Seriously, why do people lie about their age online? It's starting to become quite funny, actually. The other day, a friend and I were just sitting around and we looked at a couple of other friends’ online dating apps. All three guys were in their late 40s and 50s. In every single match that they had, every woman was the magical age of 49. Read more

Age is Just a Number

How old are you? Great, you just answered in your head how old you are because I certainly did not hear it. There's no way I could've heard because I’m just a bunch of words on a paper. But really, I want you to think about how old you are right now in this present moment. You are whatever age you are from the date you're born until today. Read more

The Ugly Truth: Why Some Men Date Younger Women

When you read what I'm about to write, it may create a shitstorm in your mind. But I want you to pay attention to one specific word in that title – why some men date younger women. I don't want you to allow your female mind to say all men; I want you to actually read each word as it's being presented to you and realize there are going to be some men that date younger women. What I'm about to tell you is definitely going to piss you off. Read more

Age Gracefully: 3 Ways to Win at Aging

Three Ways To Age Gracefully A good friend of mine went out on a date the other day with a woman. He took one look at her and said to himself, “I can't date her, she reminds me of an aging lizard.” Before you get all uptight and before you think this is negative, I want you to hear me out. Read more

Does Your Age Put Men Off?

Woman examines her age in the mirror
I get so many emails from women each week that begin the same way. They lead with something like, “David, I’m a 46 year old woman, but I don’t look my age.” Or, “I’m in my fifties, but I’m very young-minded.” My favorite one is, “I’m 44, but guys always say I look much younger.” Why do you need to start an email like that? Why is your age important? Nobody really thinks they look their age anyway. Here’s the thing… I look good for my age, but it doesn’t matter if people think I look much younger. All that matters is I look good, and I’m in great shape for a man of my age. That’s the mindset you need. You can’t turn back time. It’s great a man thinks you look younger, but the fact you bring your age up all the time means you’re subconsciously worried you’re too old to meet a man. Read more

Toms in Love, Now Shut the F#ck Up.

A few weeks ago I was spinning at the news that Olympic Diver, Tom Daley not only had (unofficially) come out, but was also in love. In an instant, Tom was becoming a major role model for many young fans around the world dealing with their own sexuality. But naturally the press did not want to focus on that part of the story and instead they said “screw that” and decided to focus on the possibility that he is dating Oscar winning screenwriter, Dustin Lance Black. Read more