Patti's Blog

How to spring clean your relationship

Woman hands trash bag to man

Spring is here! Spring is here! I love every single thing about spring. The extra daylight. The blooming flowers. The new beginnings. It’s all so wonderful! But, when you’re in a long-term relationship, spring probably won’t mean a new beginning for you romantically. But, it can be a time for you to do some spring cleaning and make your relationship feel shiny and new again. So, with that in mind, here’s how to spring clean your relationship.


Date schedule

Take a look at your calendar for the past year. Have you been keeping a regular date schedule with your boo or has work, family and just plain old life gotten in the way? And I mean a real deal date night. Not a night out with friends or another couple. (Although, you need those kinds of nights too, for sure!) Go into your calendar and for the next three months, plan out 12 dates for your boo and you. That’s one date a week. And these dates don’t have to be extravagant. They can be sitting at home with your favorite take out watching Bravo. Just as long as you two are committed to spending alone time together that you both value at least once a week, you’ll be golden!


Sex schedule

When was the last time you had sex? And what about the time before that? If you had to think back more than two weeks, you’re doing it wrong! Commit to have sex with your man once a week for all of spring. Come summer, you’re going to thank me. Your relationship will be much stronger and you two will be way, way closer.


Air out any issues

Just let him know what’s bothering you and work together for a solution. Your little annoying itch is never going to get scratched unless you tell him about it!

Has there been something brewing that you just haven’t talked to your guy about? If so, take this as an opportunity to communicate and express yourself. You have my permission to talk about anything and everything with your man in the name of spring cleaning. If you’re unhappy with how he’s been handling the finances recently, or how much time his loser brother has been spending at your place, or how much time he’s been spending at the office, tell him! You don’t have to be hostile about it. Just let him know what’s bothering you and work together for a solution. Your little annoying itch is never going to get scratched unless you tell him about it!


Set reminders for talks

I know this sounds completely unromantic and maybe a little crazy, but go into your calendar and set four reminders over the next year to have talks with your guy. No one ever looks forward to relationship talks, but communication is without a doubt the most important part of any relationship. If you schedule mini chats with your guy throughout the year and set aside time to just check in, you’ll be avoiding major blow outs from issues that snowball.


Do you do any kind of annual maintenance on your relationship? Let me know in the comments!
