Tag Archives: self-improvement

Rock out the New Year with Must-Have Relationship Resolutions

Couple makes new years resolutions over champaign toast
It’s that time of year again – to make New Year’s resolutions. Your list may include losing weight, drinking less or saving more, but what about for your romantic relationship? Good ones don’t just happen naturally. They take time, effort and nurturing. To kick off your 2014 right, here are 5 must-have resolutions for relationship success: Read more

Does plastic surgery get you a better man?

Should women consider plastic surgery to find a better man
I’ve lived in LA-LA land for a long time, so I’ve seen my fair share of plastic surgery—the very, very good, the very, very bad and everything in between. And because surgery is so common here—I swear there are more plastic surgeon’s offices than Starbucks in LA—I’ve been asked by a lot of my female clients if plastic surgery will get them a better man. Instead of giving them a yes or no answer, I often have a lot of questions for them. What can I say? I’m like the Cheshire Cat of plastic surgery advice. In case you’re wondering the same thing, here are those questions for you to ask yourself. Read more

Do You Get Lonely?

Woman looks out window loney
I was training at the gym earlier, and as I watched a number of people training alone I started thinking to myself, “life must get lonely for some people.” If you’re single, you wake up in the morning and you’re alone. You go to work, and you’re alone. You go training at the gym, and you’re alone. Then you go home, on your own. On my way home from the gym I started looking into the windows of the houses I passed. I saw all the condos, apartments, and lofts. Where I live is in a Marina, which is mainly a loft district. As I looked in the windows, I could see people watch television, having dinner, and sipping wine, all on their own. I wondered how many of these people were lonely. I know there are many lonely people out there. I know from the work I do. I read it in all the emails and letters I’m sent every day. In many ways, it’s very sad when you think about it. Sometimes life can be very lonely. So what do we do to change it?  Read more

“Men don’t like making commitments!”

woman upset about her man not committing
I keep hearing this ridiculous statement spouted by bitter women all around the globe, and it drives me nuts.  If men don’t like commitment, why are so many men in a committed relationship? I hate blanket stereotypes like this one. In all my years as a dating and relationship expert, the only women I hear say these kinds of things have been hurt in the past. Most of them have a grudge against men in general. Read more

3 Steps To Dating Success: Overcoming Dating Obstacles

dating obstacles list
Last week I outlined the top 10 dating obstacles that my clients face. This week, let’s talk about how I work with them to overcome these challenges. Here is where my job as not only a matchmaker, but as a coach kicks in.  Remember, a matchmaker is more than someone who sets singles up on dates. A major aspect of the job is to support and coach clients every step of the way-- including before the dating process begins. Read more

How Do I Get Him To Like Me?

“David, how do I get him to like me?” I can’t tell you how many times women email this question, and it breaks my heart. You meet a guy. You think he’s great. He has the best resume you’ve seen in a while. He’s good looking, he has a good job, and he’s caring, but no matter what you do, you feel you can’t get him to like you. Listen to the original question again… “How do I get a man to like me?” Do you realize how weak that question is? What’s wrong with you? Do you really need to get someone to like you? Are you not likeable the way you are? Aren’t you an amazing, beautiful woman? Read more