Tag Archives: relationships

The Five Different Types of Soulmates that Come Into Your Life

Let's talk about the word soulmate. Because I truly believe that, in life, we have many soul connections that come into our lives. Tons, actually. There's no one person for everybody. Because if there was and you were living in Wisconsin and they were living in Los Angeles, you would never meet! So there are many different kinds of soulmates that you will connect with over a period of a lifetime. And that's the most beautiful thing you can experience. Read more

7 “Deal Breakers” that should NEVER break the deal

I’m so sick of women writing off good men for dumb things. No man is perfect. And neither is any woman, including you! That’s why I like to push the idea of limiting yourself to five non-negotiables and then being open to literally everything and anything else. But, so many women I encounter have lists miles long for the men they date and that’s not realistic or helpful to your love life or happiness. If you kick good guys to the curb for really silly stuff, it’s your loss. So, here are seven of the most common “deal breakers” Read more

6 Ways Your Ego Can Kill Your Relationship

Anyone who has read me knows that there is something I say over and over again (because it is so important!): To be able to truly love yourself and to truly be able to love someone else, you must drop the ego. This is absolutely essential to finding an amazing relationship, but it's equally critical to maintaining and continually improving a relationship once you're already in it. Read more

Why Older Men Date Younger Women

Do you want to know why older men date younger women? It’s because they're less of a pain in the ass. I can't be any more blunt than that. Younger women are appreciative of the experience they are getting with an older man. Read more

The right way to dump him

Break Up
The saying is “You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince.” And that’s very true. What the saying doesn’t cover is that you’re also going to need to break up with those frogs so that you’re single and available when your prince comes around. And there’s a right way to end a relationship and many, many wrong ways to do it. I’m a big believer in karma and treating other people how you’d want to be treated. So, I think it’s mega important to dump a guy the right way. It’ll be uncomfy in the moment, of course. Hurting someone’s feelings is never easy. But, you’re going to hurt him any way you do this. So, you might as well do it in a way that will leave you with a clean conscious and make sure you don’t burn any bridges. Here’s how. Read more

What your millionaire’s holiday gift says about your relationship

Are you dating a millionaire and curious about where your relationship stands, but too afraid to ask? Well, his or her holiday gift could be the key to the information you’re looking for. Of course, I’m always a proponent of direct and honest communication, but even someone as up front as I am can feel a little timid about asking for a DTR when you’re new to dating someone. So, little hints can be really helpful in figuring it out. Here’s what your millionaire’s holiday gift to you might be saying about your relationship. Read more
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