Tag Archives: relationships

Unsure if he’s the one? Take a vacation together

Are you several dates or even a few weeks in and not sure if your new guy is something serious or just fun for now? Of course that’s where you are that early in a relationship. It’s totally normal. Well, I’ve just taken a whole new approach to the beginning stage uncertainties. Instead of waffling back and forth for who knows how long, I say take a vacation together. That’s right. Put the pedal to the metal and go on a couples’ vacation. Just the two of you. I know that seems crazy. Why would you rush into a huge milestone? Couldn’t pushing it like that ruin everything? What if it’s terrible and you’re trapped? All of those are very understandable concerns…and actually exactly why I think you should do it. Let me explain. Read more

Are you really ready for the holidays with his family?

Thanksgiving is coming up, folks! You probably didn’t need me to tell you that. Grocery stores, drug stores and Hallmark stores have been ready for the holidays since mid-August, I think. Maybe July, depending on where you live! But, now’s the time of year where we really start to think seriously about actual plans for the holidays. So, let’s get to planning. Are you ready to spend it with your new boo’s family? If you’re not sure one way or another, here are some guiding questions to help you figure it out? (“Guiding questions” is what my elementary school reading teacher used to call our language arts homework. And that was always my favorite subject! Anyway...) Read more

What to do if you know he has a secret

I was seriously just in a bad sitcom over the weekend. It was one of my girlfriend’s birthdays (a big one!) and her new-ish boyfriend decided to throw her a surprise party. It was really sweet. He went the distance and flew in her family, contacted all of her friends and coordinated a night full of all of her favorite things. The one snag was that she caught on to him. Well, kinda. She knew he was keeping a big secret from her and flipped out. Read more

When it’s OK to have a secret relationship

I was watching the Shahs of Sunset reunion—yes, I’m that far behind on my TV! It’s been a busy summer!—and Asa was taking a lot of shit for keeping her relationship off camera. Even though they were pushing her on it, the entire cast did agree that her relationship was going to last the longest out of all of theirs because she was keeping it private. That got me thinking about how sometimes secret relationships are the best relationships. When it comes to happiness in a relationship, it’s now about how happy you seem to everyone else. It’s about how happy you actually are. Read more

How to Help My Partner Last Longer in Bed

Dear Emily, I have been with my boyfriend for 4 years, and love him to bits. He's great! The only thing that kinda gets me down is that he doesn't last as long as he used to. He says that he's just too turned on, which I guess I understand, but he doesn't try to help me finish. What can I do to help him last longer? And how can I get him to understand that he should be helping ME orgasm too, not rolling over and passing out? Read more

Ask Emily: Is a Casual Sex Relationship Right for You?

Dear Emily, About 5 years ago, I had a casual sex relationship with a man and it was the best sex I’ve ever had. We went on a few dates, but there was no intellectual connection. And that was fine, since neither of us were looking for anything serious. Fast forward to now: I broke up with my boyfriend about a month and a half ago and recently texted my old booty-call asking if he is single. He is, but he mentioned that he is looking to change that. Now, I know we don’t have a connection, we will never have a relationship and we’ve both said we’re over the casual sex thing. However, I haven't been physically satisfied for over five years with anyone except for him. Read more
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