Tag Archives: Relationship

What to do if you’re ready for the next step, but he isn’t

At first, relationship milestones come fast and furious. First date. First kiss. First sex. First fight. First make up. First make up sex. And on and on. But, after a while, the firsts stop flying by. You two get comfortable and in a groove and are coasting along dating each other. And while that’s joker123 fine and dandy, there are much bigger relationship firsts, ranging from saying “I love you” to getting married, that need to happen to take you guys to the next level. Read more

How being unsure about your relationship’s future actually reveals everything you need to know

I recently heard one of my friends tell her daughter that if she’s unsure about her boyfriend being the one, it means that he’s definitely not the one. Her logic was when you know, you know! And if you’re unsure, you don’t know…therefore he’s not it. I have to say that I disagree with this logic in a major way. I believe in psychics and people who can see into the future, but I’m sure not one of them. And I bet you aren’t either. So, you being unsure about your relationship doesn’t really predict anything about your future relationship status. But, I do think being unsure can tell you a lot about your current relationship. If you’re unsure about dating your boo, here’s what I think you should know about your relationship. Read more

What to do if you’re bored in your relationship

When they’re shiny and new, nothing’s more thrilling than a relationship. There’s just so much that’s unknown and high stakes. But, once that newness wears off, relationships can simmer down into something that’s, well, boring. That doesn’t mean your relationship is doomed or over or even that you have to be this bored for much longer. If you want to pep up your relationship, here’s what to do. Read more

How to spend the holidays separately and not drift apart

Sometimes couples have to spend the holidays separately. Normally, this isn’t anyone’s first choice, but less-than-ideal circumstances pop up. And here’s the thing about less-than-ideal circumstances…they don’t respect the holiday calendar. So, if your boo and you can’t be together this December and you’re worried about feeling too separate from each other or drifting apart, here’s what to do. Read more

5 Things to do when you’re feeling unloved in your relationship

Relationships ebb and flow. Even in the best relationships, there will be moments when you feel unloved or less valued than you like. It’s just part of letting someone else into your heart. No need to feel like it’s the end of the world when you have moments of feeling under-appreciated in your relationship. But, if these moments are adding up to a general sense of feeling unloved, there are a few things you can do to address that. And you should jump on them. The sooner, the better. Read more

The right way to have really hard relationship conversations

I’m a big believer in the idea that the best things in life are not free! That’s right. Everything comes at a cost and I’m not talking about money, necessarily. The best things in life take a whole lot of hard work. Love is no exception. Technically, it doesn’t take any money to fall in love, but you spend a whole lot of time, effort and work on your relationship. And the most consuming and emotionally costly parts of relationships are the tough conversations. They’re not fun, but even the happiest couples have to have really hard conversations. In fact Read more
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