Tag Archives: matchmaking

So you’ve found a certified matchmaker in your area, but you have no idea what to do next or what to expect when you meet with them? I’m here to help!
Remember that the process of working with a matchmaker puts you in the driver’s seat of your love life alongside a supportive, encouraging, and knowledgeable guide, but you have to make sure you ask the right questions to get the right match.
The initial phone call you made is one of the most proactive steps you can take. A great matchmaker should quickly put you at ease, and ask a few basic questions to evaluate if they are the right person for you to work with. Be prepared to answer questions like-- How did you find out about our service? Have you been married before? What are your relationship goals? Read more

I’m a professional matchmaker. Setting up people is my jam. I come from a long line of matchmakers. So, these set up skills basically came naturally to me. I feel like I was born knowing how to do this. But, if you want to be a matchmaker or just set up a new couple, there are really easy-to-learn skills you can pick up to make your matches more successful. Here are three of the easiest. Read more

After a few spectacular days in Los Angeles for Matchmaking Institute's most recent matchmaker training, I am back in NYC reflecting on all the things I loved most about this special live event. Of course, I loved just being out on the West Coast, visiting some of the places I haven't been since decades ago when I lived there. It was also amazing to reconnect with my colleagues who are truly industry thought leaders and to meet the new, aspiring matchmakers who are passionate about making a difference in the field. There's lots to love when you work in the love industry, but if I was forced to pick the top three things I most appreciated, they would be as follows.
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Today, I have some amazing news that I am excited to share: Patti Stanger is teaming up with Matchmaking Institute to offer a community of aspiring and established matchmakers the once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity to learn all of her secrets for success in the matchmaking industry!
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I credit finding my husband to my career, and not because a fellow matchmaker set me up with him.
When I took the leap from working in social work to becoming a matchmaker in the late 90’s, I was newly divorced. I had gotten married too young; I wasn’t ready. I was extremely shy at that time, and even though I was in my early 30’s, I had so much more to learn about relationships.
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Recently, an article published in Thought Catalogue called This Is How We Date Now kept popping up in my Facebook newsfeed. My friends and colleagues were sharing it like crazy! Intrigued, I clicked the link and gave it a read.
I was immediately into it. This piece of writing described something that I’ve been seeing a lot of over the past few years as a matchmaker. People have stopped committing. With so many options out there readily available with the swipe of our finger, our sense of how to fall in love and keep it close has been warped.
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