Tag Archives: love advice

Help! I love his personality, but I’m not attracted to him

Thanks to social media, I get a lot more questions from people looking for relationship advice. And I freaking love it. Seriously, hearing from spaceman slot fans and followers is probably my favorite thing in the world. Or maybe it’s Nutella. Whatever. Hearing from you guys is definitely one of my top two favorite things in the world. Recently, I’ve gotten a few questions from ladies joker123 who are dealing with the same issue. There’s a man in their lives that’s perfect for them, but they’re just not attracted to him. Basically, his personality rocks, but there’s no physical attraction. Should a woman date a guy she’s not attracted to? Well, I know this is annoying, but I’m going to answer your questions with a few of my own questions.   Read more

Why it never pays to go slow in love

I’m a type A, get-er-done gal. I want everything to happen right now, if not five seconds ago. And I really do mean everything. I never take my time with anything. Love is no exception. I move quickly with matters of the heart and I think you should too. It’s a total myth that taking a new relationship slowly will yield better outcomes than rushing in. Taking your time with love really never pays off. And, actually, it backfires a lot. Here’s why. Read more

Why it’s OK for women to say “I love you” first

At brunch this weekend, one of my girlfriends was beside herself because her man hadn’t said he loved her yet. She’s normally bright and really full of life, but she was limp and sad throughout the entire brunch. I assumed that she told him that she loved him and he hadn’t said it back, even after she gave him time. And I was really sad for her. It feels so crappy when a feeling as important as love isn’t reciprocated. Then, it came out that she hadn’t even said “I love you,” yet. She was waiting for him to say it first and that’s what she was getting upset about! Why hadn’t she said those magic words? What was she waiting for? Well, she was waiting for him to say it first because she thought that’s how it’s supposed to be. She thought if the woman said “I love you” first, it kinda didn’t count. Read more

How to fall in love when you don’t have time

It’s safe to say that we all want to fall in love. Or, at least all of us on this website, right? I can’t imagine anyone caring about the things I have to say if they’re not into the idea of finding true love. Anyway, I think it’s also safe to say that none of us have enough time in the day. So, how do you find love when you don’t have the time to? Here are my tips. Read more

What your millionaire’s future travel plans say about your relationship

Spring has sprung and it’s time for warm weather and sunshine... which often means more travel! Something about the cold makes us all want to hibernate. It must be in our DNA to stay put and nest when it’s freezing. Once that snow melts, though, it’s time to open our doors and our passports and get traveling. When you’re dating a millionaire, travel can be a big part of their schedule and therefore, a big part of your life. If you’re unsure of where you stand with your millionaire, their upcoming travel plans can be really telling about your relationship. Here’s what their travel plans say. Read more

Masters of the Illusion

[caption id="attachment_17994" align="alignright" width="300"] Masters of illusion and marketing[/caption]Sometimes I think, when I'm on an online dating site, that women are either: A – masters of illusion, or B - understand marketing really well. As I peruse through the pictures, I think the majority of women over the age of 40 are masters of taking angle picture shots. I see pictures from above, I see pictures from the side, I see pictures from a 90 degree angle. Every single picture I see of a woman over the age of 40 is from an angle. It is never face on. If it is face on, it's always from a distance. Read more
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