Tag Archives: dating advice

How to know if your bad boy is boyfriend material

Bad boys, bad boys. Whatcha gonna do when they come for you? If you’re like a lot of women, you’re probably going to swoon when they come for you. Bad boys are undeniably magnetic. But they’re called bad for a reason. (Hint: It’s because they’re bad for you.) That being said, not all bad boys are bad for good. There are a few bad boys out there who do make good boyfriends. You just need to be able to tell if your bad boy is boyfriend material. And here’s how to do it. Read more

How important is physical appearance?

If you watch Millionaire Matchmaker, you know I want my girls and guys looking hot, hot, hot the first time they meet each other. Is this because I think looks are the most important part of love and romance? Um, no. But do I believe the saying love is blind? Double no. Here’s the thing -- looks matter a lot during some points of your relationship and a whole lot less at other points. Here’s a quick breakdown of how important physical appearance is. Read more

Think it through: Are you being too judgmental?

Are you being too judgmental when it comes to love? The short answer is, well, yeah, you might be. Don’t feel bad though. We’re all judgmental at times. We have to make snap decisions when it comes to dating. If we didn’t, we’d literally have to go on one date with every man in the world. And even as someone who loves love, that sounds terrible! That being said, there are plenty of men out there who may not be exactly what you imagined your Prince Charming to be like, but could still make you really happy and feel like a princess. To find those unlikely princes, you’re going to have to learn to overlook a few small things. Read more

A recipe for the ultimate love story

Wouldn’t it be great if romance were like cookies? You took all the right ingredients, whipped them up, baked for 10 minutes and had a perfect outcome. Or better yet, how about my style of baking? Slice, bake and voila -- love! Well, you probably don’t need an expert to tell you love isn’t that easy. I’ve helped thousands of people find love, and even I don’t have a silver bullet recipe for romance. There are so many X factors, like timing and spark, that a recipe isn’t realistic. However, there are key ingredients you need for love that’s going to last. Without any of the below main ingredients, your relationship is going to flop like a souffle in the humidity. (See? You'd be surprised what I know about baking!) Read more

Love lessons from Beauty and the Beast

Tale as old as time. Song as old as rhyme. Beauty and the Beast. Can any woman hear those lyrics and not sigh? Anyone? I am a huge Beauty and the Beast fan. I love the suspense, the unlikely heroes, the dancing china and most of all, I love the love lessons. Sure, it’s a child’s movie, but you learn so many of life’s important lessons before the age of 10. And the love lessons in Beauty and the Beast resonate for lovers of any age. Here are my top take-aways from this classic movie. Read more

Relationships begin with “I love you”

A lot of people celebrate anniversaries of their first dates, their major relationship talks or their wedding day. But I really think relationships begin with the first “I love you.” It solidifies that you two are having more than just fun. You’re in a relationship. WhatsYourPrice.com just did a survey showing that 76 percent of serious relationships started with the man saying “I love you” first. While this might come as a shock to those who think that men aren’t as emotionally demonstrative in relationships, it makes total sense to me. Men should be the ones to say “I love you” first. Here’s why.

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