It’s Twitter chat party: Let’s talk about sex

Hey Tweeties! Today, I am answering all of your steamy sex and relationship questions! Me, my besties Rachel and Destin and my hot assistant Patia are hosting a chat party on Twitter and are ready for a big Q&A love fest. The hashtag of choice? #AskPatti. You don't want to miss it! You can start submitting questions now by commenting here or head straight to my twitter and I will answer them, chat with you and give advice. So, be sure to say what's on your mind. Plus, you may catch your tweeted question on the upcoming season of Millionaire Matchmaker premiering in the Fall. Remember, there's no such as a stupid question. Only sexy ones. Ready... set... Tweet! (Remember to use my Twitter handle and #AskPatti.) Read more

Summertime at casa de Pfaff

Makin' Love with Rachel and Destin
Summer is here at last… and boy is it a hot one! We live out in the fabulous LA Valley so it’s even more sweltering. It’s amazing how it can go from 85 degrees F in central LA to 100 degrees in the Valley! The question is what to do when summer is at its full glory? We have learned how to have fun in the sun in the most creative of ways -- especially when you have a toddler! Let’s talk about your home. We all know that when the pavement is melting, the last place you want to be is outdoors. How about turning your pad into a cool beach oasis? Read more

Real Girl’s Kitchen: Pecorino & scrambled egg pita pockets

Scrambled egg and pecorino pita pocket recipe by Haylie Duff
I get a lot of people who write in to my blog and ask me for easy breakfast ideas. I love that so many of my readers are busy moms or on-the-go career chicks. So, in honor of all the hard working ladies who can't stand to skip breakfast, here is a breakfast recipe just for you. It's a perfect portion, doesn't require a knife, fork or even a plate and it will keep you full well in to your lunch hour. The pecorino adds a mild saltiness and I love that the cherry tomatoes add a hint of sweetness every few bites. Read more

Keeping in touch with an ex

We all know looking for the one is no easy task. It can happen in the blink of an eye or could take eons. During your quest for love, you’ll cross many speed bumps. These speed bumps are your exes. Right for you at the time, but not right for you forever. A lot of times when we dissolve a relationship, both parties move on to bigger and better things, continue new adventures and go on their merry ways. Every now and then, there are hangers -- exes that need to be EXterminated. Sure, you could be friends with your ex. Maybe you were friends before you even got together, but is that really advantageous to your quest for love -- to have that person always hanging around to potentially mess up your love energy? Read more

5 Products to combat summer sun

Skincare for summer dates
Summer dates can take you everywhere from romantic boat rides that get the juices flowing to mini golf, outdoor weddings and events, or festivals. Maybe you and your hubby are going on a couples-only vacation to spice things up again. You may be hot for your hunk of burning love, but make sure you don't put a damper on things with a deal-breaker sunburn. Sure, they are painful but they also make us ladies a little self-conscious when the peeling and the blisters turn us into Frankenstein. Read more

Real Girl’s Kitchen: Shrimp and grapefruit kale salad

Haylie Duff's salad recipe
There is nothing I love more than a great kale salad. My love for kale runs so deep that I almost capitalize the 'K' every time I type the word. If you read my blog RealGirl' you are already well aware of my kale obsession. I would eat it at every meal and have even found ways to incorporate it in to breakfast. This salad is just another great way to add some excitement to an already stellar green. If you aren't loading up on kale, here is why you should! Read more