The Men's Room - Love and Relationship Advice From a Man For Women

Managing a Successful Relationship

tips for managing a successful relationshipYes…

Keeping a relationship healthy isn’t easy, but it’s worthwhile when you think about all the happiness and pleasure it can bring you. So what’s the secret to a successful relationship? I believe one of the biggest secrets to long, happy relationships is to manage your relationship with yourself first.

In other words, before you meet someone, you need to work out what YOU want from a relationship. I want you to take the time to consider these questions, and be completely honest with yourself.

What do you look for in a man? How do you want him to love you? Are you a mothering type? How often do you like to make love? Do you like it once and then to go to sleep, or do you want to be in the throes of passion all night long? How often do you want to see your friends? Do you want children one day?

You need to understand clearly what you want from a relationship, before you can manage a successful relationship with someone else. You need to know your genuine needs, wants, and desires, before you can expect anyone to meet them. In other words, you need to date yourself before you let a man in.

Too many women end up in bad relationships, all because they don’t really know themselves. Think about it. How can someone truly meet your needs, if you don’t know what they are yourself?  So it’s time to be 100% honest with yourself…

How can someone truly meet your needs, if you don’t know what they are yourself?

When you’re out with friends, and you’re meeting men, do you know what you want in a man, or do you just go for guys randomly, hoping one of them will be “The One?”

From this moment on, I want you to answer all the questions I asked you about yourself, before you even think of going on a date with a man. I want you to understand in full detail, your perfect relationship, before you try to make it happen. I’ve taken the time to learn about myself, and to look at lessons past relationships have taught me, so now I know exactly what I want from a relationship. You need to do the same yourself.

So what else do you need for a well-managed relationship?

Once you’re actually dating someone you need to monitor how well things are going for you. Ask yourself, “Am I happy? Are they meeting my needs? Do we understand each other? Am I attracted to this person? Could I see myself with him in 5 years’ time?”

It takes a lot of effort to make a relationship work, and it has to begin with you. You can’t expect someone to make you happy, if you don’t know how to make yourself happy. So what’s the take away from this?

Make sure you understand and get to know yourself before you meet someone else. What do you want from a man? What makes you happy? What are your dreams?

Take the time to work on yourself, before you get out there and look for Mr. Right. If you don’t, you’re going to go from heartbreak to heartbreak. For more free blogs, videos, and podcasts from the world’s leading dating coach for women visit

