
Daily horoscopes: February 21, 2019


(March 20 – April 19):

Every action has its consequences – even a lucky break.  Just remember when listening to envious types complain that it’s better to have than to have not.


(April 20 – May 20):

Listen for the common thread running through all the versions of the story. Once identified you’ll be able to tie the whole thing together.


(May 21 – June 20):

Your good humor goes a long way today.  Not only does your positive attitude work wonders, you’ll even convert people to your side.


(June 21 – July 21):

Can you have your cake and eat it too?  Anything’s possible with the Moon in Libra.  Just be sure to hide the crumbs.


(July 22 – Aug. 22):

You may not be in the mood to weigh options right now, but change your headspace because you’re looking at three alternatives that could get you out of the pickle you’re in.


(Aug. 23 – Sept. 22):

That elusive sense of worth doesn’t come from money in the bank.  It stems from a love for what you do.  Be true to that and the cash will flow.


(Sept. 23 – Oct. 22):

The Moon in Libra shows you’ve haven’t lost your touch pushing a product, selling an idea, or soliciting funds.


(Oct. 23 – Nov. 21):

The balance of power at work is shifting and someone you backed isn’t faring well.  Start changing your position now and no one will notice.


(Nov. 22 – Dec. 20):

People who once criticized you are trying to rewrite the script now that you’re a success.  It’s a good thing that you’re the forgiving type.


(Dec. 21 – Jan. 19):

What you regard as a dead-end, somebody else sees as an unexplored tangent. You might want to take the blinders off and hear what this person has to say.


(Jan. 20 – Feb. 17):

Today you get a chance to practice what you preach.  Think of it as a litmus test for those espoused principles of yours.


(Feb. 18 – March 19):

That first impression may have been less than impressive but a new acquaintance really does mean well.  Keep an open mind.
