Tag Archives: communication

Ask Emily: Why Won’t My Boyfriend Initiate Sex?

Initiate Sex
Hey Emily! I've been with my boyfriend for three-and-a-half years and the sex is great! We both get wonderful pleasure from each other and are open to trying new moves. My issue (one that has been evident from the start of the relationship) is that I am always in the driver’s seat when it comes to our sexual experiences. I always make the first move. I have tried to talk to him about it but he’s not willing to do anything differently. It feels like he doesn’t even want to have sex with me unless I make him. Read more

How to tell him his friend sucks

Being in a relationship with your boo means that you’re connected to his friend group. There are a lot of potential benefits there – new friends, great parties, exposure to interesting perspectives. There are also some potential negatives, like spending time with someone who sucks. If there’s someone in his friend group who truly sucks – and I mean truly sucks, not just someone you don’t like, but a bad dude – here’s exactly how to tell him. Read more

How to talk about your finances when you’re dating a millionaire

Money is a hard thing to talk about. Period. Add in discussing it with a romantic partner and it gets even harder. Then throw in a romantic partner whose financial situation is very different from your own and it’s hard to the power of even harder! But, sometimes personal finance conversations have to happen when you’re dating a millionaire. And while my tips certainly won’t make these talks easy, hopefully these three how-tos will make your conversation a little less hard. Read more

The right way to have really hard relationship conversations

I’m a big believer in the idea that the best things in life are not free! That’s right. Everything comes at a cost and I’m not talking about money, necessarily. The best things in life take a whole lot of hard work. Love is no exception. Technically, it doesn’t take any money to fall in love, but you spend a whole lot of time, effort and work on your relationship. And the most consuming and emotionally costly parts of relationships are the tough conversations. They’re not fun, but even the happiest couples have to have really hard conversations. In fact Read more

How to actually communicate in a relationship

One of my best friends always reads the posts on my sites... because she is the world’s best best friend... and she recently pointed out a content blind spot I never noticed. She told me that she loves how I always give the advice to communicate with your partner, but that I never really explain how to communicate. And that’s a really good point! I always beat the same drum and tell you guys how important communication is. But, I never tell you how to communicate. Well, that’s going to change right how. Here’s how to actually communicate in a relationship when you have an issue to discuss. Read more

The Key To A Great Relationship: Two Things You Need To Know

The other night, a friend of mine who was dating a new woman, called me up and said, “David. She called me out.” I said to him, “What do you mean, she called you out?” “Oh, you know, we've only been dating a couple of weeks. We really like each other, and I kind of wasn't present for her. She called me out.“ I told him this girl is a keeper. He looked at me and said Read more
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