Category Archives: The Men’s Room – Love and Relationship Advice From a Man For Women

Get Over Your Ex Today

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Overcome Your Trust Issues

Woman sobs over lost love
“David. I just can’t trust men anymore." It’s something women say to me all the time. You want to meet a great guy, but your trust issues keep getting in the way. Something in the past still plays on your mind and you can’t let it go. But here’s the thing… the past is gone. The past is history and just because one guy let you down, doesn’t mean every other guy out there will do the same. Someone once said “the past doesn’t equal the future,” and it’s true. It’s so crazy how we’re born with so much trust and innocence, yet as we grow we develop so many trust issues. So many people allow what happened in their past to affect their future. Read more

The Devastating Sexual Power of Mutual Masturbation

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What To Do When Your Ex Turns Up Online!

Woman sees her ex online
Have you ever run into an ex-boyfriend online? The chances are, if it hasn’t happened to you yet, it probably will. Before the world was over-run with social networking sites, we didn’t have to worry about spotting your ex-boyfriend frolicking naked with some stripper on Facebook, or seeing that he’s “looking for love” on Twitter, but the world’s a much smaller place now. If you use Facebook, Twitter, or any of those sites you have to accept, at some time or another you’ll catch a glimpse of what your old flames up to now. What do you do if you spot him online? Should you get in contact? Do you snoop through all his photos? Or are you best just to ignore him? Read more

Body Shock: I Feel Ugly And Unsexy

Woman feels ugly on the outside
Do you secretly hate the way you look? Do you look in the mirror and despise the woman looking back at you? Do you believe men don’t find you attractive? So many women struggle with self-image problems it’s untrue. I hear it all the time, and it really makes me sad. I don’t care whether you’re overweight, whether you’re short, whether you’re breasts hang by your knees, whatever, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! Read more

Do men cuddle?

A man cuddles with his woman
It sounds like a funny question doesn’t it? But women email me about this all the time. Women seem confused about how to interpret a cuddle from a man. Is he being friendly? Is he just more sensitive than other guys? Or is it a sign he has strong feelings for you? Here’s an email I had from a woman recently. She wants to know whether the guy she’s seeing is starting to develop feelings for her, and it’s all because of his recent increase in affection. Here’s her email… Read more